Friday, July 17, 2009

Genesis Chapters 19-21 - July 17, 2009

19:14 - Doubting God can be absolutely disastrous. Lot's son-in-laws are not mentioned again, because they dies alongside everyone else in Sodom. They leave behind a legacy of a lack of faith. With their husbands dead, Lot's daughters seduce him and have children by their father! Ewwww.

19:26 - It's easy to say, "All she did was look back, what is up with that?" Bu she was specifically told not to look back - she acted disobediently and rebelliously. I believe there is also something more to her looking back...I don't think she was just watching the fireworks show, I think she was looking back with longing on her old life amidst the corruption of Sodom. When you have been saved by don't look back to the old life with longing.

19:37 - Again the lack of faith legacy of Lot's family. Their husbands are dead because they refused to believe the girls commit incest because they don' trust that God can provide them with new husbands. Their sinful tricking of their dad led to them bearing the Moabite and Ammorite nations, which consequently became a thorn in the side of Israel for years. Great legacy.

20:2 - Again!? Seriously Abe, that is ridiculous. How vile and selfish is it to lead other people into sin in an attempt o save our own butt?

21:11-12 - Abraham is actually uncomfortable with rejecting his son Ishmael...why is God okay with it? Because of the animosity and hatred that would exist between Ish and Isaac as they grew up. God knew that he had to protect the line of Isaac for His eternal plan (And He still took care of Ish).

21:22 - People know when you are living for God...they can see the difference. Abraham's' legacy of faith is so much more beautiful that Lot's legacy of doubt. Which camp do you find yourself in more often? 


Bekah said...

That whole chapter 19 is really nasty... When she looked back on the city and was turned into salt, my first reaction is "well, serves her right." On the flip side, I am forced to think about how many times I have looked back on my Sodom, how many times have I looked on the past longing for how "easy" unbelievers have it,or so it seems on the outside...then I read Psalm 37:1-4. In the end, all of the profit and joy that I see unbelievers reveling in will all wither, just like Sodom.

Matt said...

20:2 only serves to confirm how impossible it is to have a sinless life; that even Abraham, father of the Jews, messes up. Shows how much we need Jesus. If there's one repeated theme throughout the Bible, its the fact that we can't save ourselves.

Brand al Thor said...

Nice tie in true Matt.

Brand al Thor said...

Nice tie in true Matt.

Joshiee said...
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Joshiee said...
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Joshiee said...

Wow Bekah that was powerful stuff.
I know it's kind of minor, but I can't get over the fact that all of these people have slaves while they're so connected to God. How can you "own" someone when God is giving you freedom from sin, and freedom from the world. Freedom is what everyone wants yet these people are keeping them enslaved. It reminds me of the the Declaration of Independence. How it says "All Men are created Equal" while Thomas Jefferson definitely had slaves at the time.
I wish I understood that whole situation better...