Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Exodus Chapters 1-3 - August 18, 2009

1:7 - The promise of God continues on - He promised Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their people would be fruitful and God is always faithful to His word. In a foreign land as people who are looked on as second class citizens...they still grow and prosper. Take hold of the promises that God has given you.

1:11 - It is clear to me throughout history that the evil one seeks to hurt God be attacking His people. No matter where the Hebrew people of God go, they are blamed and enslaved and killed - in ancient and modern times. The only explanation for this horrific singling out of a people group is that Satan wants to destroy them. Yet no matter what is thrown against them...the Jewish people prosper and God works His will out no matter what the devil tries (futility breeds desperation).

2:1 - Pretty interesting that Moses is born into the Levite line, he becomes the priest over the Israelites who meets face to face with God regularly, and eventually the Levite line becomes the priestly family of Israel.

2:3 - Instead of giving up and allowing her son to be killed as decreed by the Pharaoh - she trusts God and places him in the river. Like Abraham trusted God by taking Isaac to the sacrifice site...Moses' mother offers her son up into the will of God - both of them were blessed greatly through their faith. I hope that Christian parents of today's teenagers will not just allow their kids to be sacrificed to this culture (A culture that is calling them to spiritual death)...I hope they will offer their kids up completely to God.

2:14 - "Who made you ruler and judge over us?" Funny he should say this since in a few years Moses will be the ruler and judge over them, and guess who makes him ruler and judge? That's right sucka - God!

2:17 - Moses must have been a pretty powerful and intimidating figure. He already killed and Egyptian slave master with his bare hands...now he drives off a gang of evil shepherds by himself. That's pretty beastly. It also tells us that he is probably a little more qualified to approach Pharaoh than he expresses to God next chapter (But who am I God? I'm not a good speaker! etc.).

2:24 - God didn't just suddenly hear their cries - He heard them all along - he is God after all. Why do you think He waited to help them? Well, it is possible that after all those years in Egypt, the had become followers of the Egyptian gods. Maybe they forgot about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God waits until the people turn back to Him to move like He does throughout the OT.

3:4 - It is really cool that Moses answers God by saying, "Here I am," because God is about to tell Moses that His name is "I AM." It's kinda like Moses is accidentally addressing God by saying, "Here, I AM." Hehehe - cool.

3:14 - What does God mean that His name is "I AM." I is a name that sums up what and who God is - HE IS! He exists...no other god has ever existed, they are all constructs of the human mind. There is only one God and He IS. He is faithful - He is real - He is good - He is all-powerful - He is the great I AM. He is the only thing in the universe that is truly existing in a fully realized, perfect state...so He is the I AM - get it?


Bekah said...

Wowzer, talk about trust and wicked love!! Moses' mom trusts God so much that she put her new born baby into a basket... and floated him across the river. I can't even imagine, having a baby growing inside of me for 9 months, then 3 months later having to let go of my little baby boy and watch him float away while he's crying his little eyes out. What faith and commitment to the Lord. Through all of it God blessed her; not only did her son live,but she got to be a major part of his life.
I pray that I would bring children into the world with the mindset of "Lord what you give to me, I will give back to you willingly"

Matt said...

1:12- This seems to happen a lot with God's people.

3:1- haha, I always get the image of an amish guy riding a wagon when i hear "jethro"

This story always helps remind me that sometimes I have to go through a lot of harsh experiences to become a better person. God could have easily teleported the Israelites to the promise land, but instead he took them through this long, painful event that took some serious faith to get through. but on the other side, they probably trusted God more than ever before.

Brand al Thor said...

Thanks for commenting guys! Matt, when I hear the name Jethro, I can't help but think of one bad dude from NCIS! Jethro Gibbs rocks!