Friday, September 11, 2009

Leviticus Chapters 7 - 9

7:20 - This is a great reminder for us about the seriousness of taking part in rituals with God. We take part in a ritual every week during church services called communion. It is a time of is a time of communing with God and become one with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Communion should not be taken lightly and it should not be taken with a distracted, unprepared heart. We destroy the power of communion if we allow it to become just some bread and juice we take during worship service...we are dining with God and burning into our hearts His awesome love and mercy...we are offering ourselves as living sacrifices...come to the table prepared.

8:6 - I find it interested that the first thing Moses does to ceremonially prepare Aaron and his sons for priesthood is a ritual washing. The first thing that Jesus did before he began his ministry as the ultimate high priest, was get baptized in the Jordan river. When followers of Christ are baptized, they become a part of the priesthood of all believers. This verse shows our priestly heritage.

8:23 - I know it sounds freaky, but by placing blood on the ears, thumbs and toes of Aaron and his sons, Moses is connecting them forever to the sacrificial altar. He is ordaining them into ministry...they are one with the altar. Just as Jesus offered his blood for our sins and we washed clean by his blood, connecting us forever to the cross and his sacrifice. We are one with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. We are God's agents of truth in the world...our sins were crucified on that cross with Jesus and we can live victoriously in his resurrection. That is incredible stuff!

9:24 - The Lord is pleased with the sacrifice that Aaron and his sons offer and He shows them He finds it acceptable, by literally consuming the offering with holy fire. I want to offer myself fully to God and I want to be consumed and cleansed by His holy fire. I want to offer my life as a pleasing sacrifice to God.


Matt said...

9:24- ok I'm keeping count. This is the 3rd time (i'm sure there is plenty more) that I've read about people falling to their faces in the presence of God. I can't wait to experience this myself.

Anonymous said...

Ch 7:1-6. What is the difference between a sin offering and a guilt offering. Wouldn't you have to have committed a sin to feel guilty? Pause.... Ok I looked back in Ch. 5 and it explains a guilt offering, I guess that's what I get by jumpinging late.

7:11. Ok Brando, here is one of those spots you get to gloat about the esv vs niv. Here the niv causes it a fellowship offering, but everyother translation inlcuding the esv calls it a peace offering. But when you make peace with somone you enter into fellowship.

Ch8. Moses truly was a symbol of the Messiah to come. God commands Moses to purify Aaron and with blood to purify the altar, just as we are purified by blood.

Ch. 9 I'm reminded of 1 Peter 2:5 where we are also to have a priestly ministry just like Moses passed it to Aaron, Jesus passed it to us. I'm with Matt, can't wait until my body looses control in the presence of God and I fall flat on my face.

Brand al Thor said...

Nice work guys.