Monday, August 9, 2010

Job Chapters 9 -12

Through this section we see the back and forth between Job and his friends continues. Job is wrestling with how to understand what he has gone through, while his friends try to convince him it is all because of sin in his life (really great friends!). It is really interesting to see Job's faith in God and his clear understanding of the nature of God (As clear as a man can have anyway), while he is also wracked with confusion over his terrible circumstances and looking for answers. Job can teach us alot.

9:2 - Job knows that God is just - he states it clearly - but he also knows that he hasn't done anything particularly bad to deserve the suffering he has gone through (This is all based on a flawed understanding that God doles out blessing and curse based solely on human righteousness...we all know this is not how it works, right? There will be total and complete justice in the end, but it doesn't always work out like that on earth). Job knows that there is no one perfect when compared to God, so nobody can really be "right"...but he is wondering what it is he did to provoke all this pain.

9:12 - He is still just speaking out loud and addressing his friends - he is not really accusing God of anything...he understands that people have no right to arrogantly ask their creator God, "What do you think you are doing , God!?" Job knows this is his head, but he really wants some answers...understandable, right?

10:11ff - Again Job shows us his great theology - he has a clear understanding of God's creative power and he knows that he would not be alive if God has not blessed him with life. He knows that his very existence is held together by the power of God. Even in the midst of all the things he has gone through, he knows that God is still working in his life.

10:14ff - Job believes he is in a lose/lose situation. If he sins, God will see it (Because God knows everything that is going on) and he will be in huge troubles (based on the system of sin=bad stuff happening as discussed before)...but on the other hand, if he is righteous and all these bad things have happened to him - he is still filled with disgrace because everybody else around him thinks he brought it all on himself.

11:7-8 - Again, Zophar like his other friends, has a right view of God, but fails to apply it correctly with Job's situation. He knows that no man can fully understand God (Which is absolutely true!) - but that doesn't help out doesn't bring him comfort. Job has questions that he wants answered and all his friends keep telling him brought this on yourself or you can't understand God. We should all remember that just because you have the right theological answers does not mean that you should ram them down somebodies throat when they are hurting.

11:12 - Great line from Zophar...this is the precursor to "whens pigs fly." He says, "An idiot will be able to understand truth as soon as a wild donkey gives birth to a man!" Basically, never! He is boldly calling Job and idiot and saying he will never understand what is going on - ouch! Job has some really great buddies!

12:2 - Job isn't spineless - he fires back and sticks to his guns! He says, "Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot, you have the corner on the wisdom market. When you die all wisdom and understanding will be gone from the earth!" We can all see how unhelpful it is to have a non-gracious, arrogant, know-at-all around when you are going through hard times. This is not what it looks like to live as Christ among the people we know. When Jesus came to the town where Lazarus died - did he start preaching to the people, "Don't you guys know that Lazarus is going to be with God? Don't you know that I can bring him back? Don't you guys have any faith?" Did he say those things? No, Jesus wept. He entered into the pain of the people who were suffering and he comforted them. That should be our example to follow, not Zophar and company.

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