Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Job Chapters 25 - 30

Sorry about the long has been a crazy month!

25:4-6 - These verses serve to show how incredible God's love for us is. Who can b right before God? Compared to God, the moon and stars are nothing...they are dim and much less significant is man? With all our flaws and our failure to reflect the image of God that was created in us, we are so far beneath the creator it is impossible to fathom...yet God's love for us in never ceasing. It is easy to love those who are like you and deserving of love, but God offers His sacrificial love to those who are beneath Him and deserving of death.

26:14 - Job speaks of the power of God and then says those things are just at the fringe of what He can do. Mankind hears but a whisper of the incredible deeds of God...understands little of what He does...those who are weak cannot understand what true power is...cannot understand the power of God.

27:8 - There is absolutely no hope for the godless...Job understands this and will not turn away from God. He doesn't understand why he is going through the trials that are before him, but he knows it is insanity to turn away from God.

27:20 - There have been nights where I laid awake and experienced this feeling of overwhelming terror...there have been times in my life where I could only be saved from drowning in sorrow by putting my trust in God.

28:1-13 - Man has explanations for every aspect of's inventiveness and creativity discovers much and explains away the miraculous, but these roads do not lead to wisdom...

28:28 - Wisdom comes only from fearing God...true understanding is shown only when we turn away from evil and towards God.

29:12-17 - Job lists off a bunch of attributes that I believe should be a major part of every Christians life. Christians should be...
- a help to the poor
- parents to the fatherless
- protectors of widows
- the eyes for the blind
- the feet for the crippled
- defenders of those who cannot defend themselves
Are these the attributes that define my life? Do they define yours?

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