Friday, January 25, 2013

Exodus 10, Luke 13, Job 28, I Corinthians 14

Luke 13:8-9 - I love this picture of God's grace! When bad things happen to believers is it a direct result of sin n their lives? No...or at least, not always (Sometimes when people give in to toxic sin they bring pain down on themselves). If you need proof, see: the Life of Jesus (Hint: perfect God/man, crucified). When god things happen in the lives of evil people does it mean that God is not just? No! What is means is that God is patient, just like Jesus tells us with his parable. Sometimes he gives fruitless trees the opportunity to grow...he adds manure and care (a.k.a. blessings) with a hope that the once dead tree will come to life and bear good fruit. Thank you God for your patience with me and all of humanity.

Job 28 - Wisdom is not found in dominating is not found in is not found in power or achievement...or anything else we seem to endlessly seek on this earth. In fact, it is the pursuit of such tings that turns humanity into something not far above animals. Read Job 28:28. The truth is that wisdom is found only in the fear of the Lord...n the understand that God is everything. When we spend our life seeking out God and fleeing from evil...we are filling ourselves with wisdom and understanding.

I Corinthians 14 - I love this verse..."Be infants of evil, but in your thinking mature." So the bible tells us that there are times when we are supposed to act like babies! It's true. Yet it is not giving u a free pass to whine and complain when things don't go are says that we should be like babies when it comes to evil. We need to live n innocence. Live with joy. Find delight and wonder in the world, not just dark and vileness. We need to live in such a way that we do not allow ourselves to be corrupted by evil!

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