Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - October 21, 2008

3:6ff - Stay way from lazy Christians. Why? Because it rubs off...it looks great, all the benefits of being a Christian (love, hope, community, etc.) with none of the hard work...lazy Christianity is tempting. But it is also meaningless, selfish and it shows extreme disrespect for God. What does laziness or idleness say about your faith? It says that you don't care enough about your relationship with God and the things that God has given you to get off your butt and do something for Him! You don't dishonor people who give you something through ingratitude and laziness - you show respect for their gift with thankfulness and working to give back. Don't dishonor the God who has given you everything, by doing nothing.

3:14 - If there are "Christians" around you who have heard the truth of God's word over and over and they refuse to obey it...stay away from them. They will do nothing but bring you down with them.

3:17 - I love this part. Paul usually has a scribe that writes his letters for him (If you haven't noticed, they are really long), but he always makes sure that he signs the last part in his own hand. He wants his audience to know that these are his words - Paul is a man of honor. We have a special place we put anonymous, whining notes and e-mails we get from the church...the trash. Christians should have enough character to stand behind the things they say, like Paul did.


James said...

Msg 15 - But don't treat him as an enemy. Sit him down and talk about the problem as someone who cares.

too often i think we do treat someone who is not sharing in the load as an outcast or enemy. i think it drives some away from Christ.

if we show that we care even when we do not like the actions of the person, then we show the love of Christ while not giving an "ok" to what the person is doing.


Stephen said...

i should dissociate myself

Ish said...

a) I love the contrast between the unbelievers' faith w/ God's faithfulness, and how God's faithfulness trumps anything else. Fresh reminder.

b)Paul makes it a point to be an example for the other brothers by working above and beyond his calling for his share. He does not need to work for it, but chooses to so he can be an example to others; temporarily forsaking his freedoms for the sake of others.