3:4 - If you are really, truly going to walk the path of Jesus, you have to know there is going to be serious trouble. I think this is one of those things in the back of our minds that keeps us from actually doing it - fear. Life doesn't become easier as a Christian...it becomes more dangerous. Do I live a dangerous life? And I'm not talking about throwing myself in front of cars and stuff like that...I mean, is there an air of danger in my life because I so desperately try to make the will of the Father my own? Do I teach a dangerous message? How about you?
3:5 - Paul is in torment and his only concern is the faith of his friends. That is so Jesus-like (Praying forgiveness for those who are crucifying you, anyone?)! I find that more often than not, I am exclusively worrying about my own problems. I think it's time for me to take some of Batman's anti-self-centeredness pills (If he has some, but he did have shark-repellent, so I'm pretty sure he's got these!).
3:12 - This is what life should be like for us...a constant increase in our ability to love other people. Seriously, after 30 years of being a Christian I should have a pretty large capacity for loving others, and after another 30 years (God willing...although I really wouldn't mind ditching this world and chillin' with Him!) my ability to love others should have increased by leaps and bounds. Part of the process that Christian go through to prepare their hearts for God's will, is living out a love for others. Why do I show the greatest ability to love myself?
Encouragement - massivly important - whether to new Christians or mature ones.
We all need to be lifted up - not for our ego - but to be told that we are doing well in following Jesus in whatever aspect it is that we are doing well in.
I think too often we do not encourage each other because we think it will lead to swelling the pride of the other person. I would say don't let that stop us.
Encourage - Jesus did.
"We sent Timothy, who is our brother and God's fellow worker[a]in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith, 3so that no one would be unsettled by these trials."
I thought this was cool, because it shows how great of a leader Paul was because of God.
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