Friday, December 3, 2010

Proverbs Chapters 1-3

1:7 - Humbly understanding the power and perfection of God (i.e. fear) is the starting point of wisdom. Why? Because, before a man can start the process of truly becoming wise, he must understand that before God he knows nothing. This beginning place of humility is the fertile ground in which God will plant the seeds of wisdom.

1:17-18 - Evil, selfish, greedy people like to set traps for others. They like to try to take advantage of the weaker...they like to prove their "superiority" by earthly standards - all the while smugly believing the have really won...conquered another person. What they do not know is that the only trap they are truly setting is for themselves. They are tightening the snare of destruction around themselves. Their supposed victory is a precursor to utter defeat.

1:22 - How long will we continue to do the same stupid things...remain in the same destructive patterns that have never truly brought us satisfaction before? Have you ever asked yourself this question? I have...a million times...why do human beings continue to go through the same cycles that have brought nothing but pain in the past?

2:1-5 - If you humbly seek out wisdom...if you chase after it with everything you will understand what it means to fear God. You will understand that fearing God leads to worship of God, which is what we were made for. And in the midst of worshipping you seek His face...He will give you the wisdom that you are looking for. He will write His character and nature on your heart.

2:7 - I like this description of wisdom...wisdom is like a shield that protects you from the fallout of idiotic living. As you grow in wisdom you will be more and more protected.

2:16 - Wisdom will give you the vision to see the lies and the unfulfilled promises of the flesh...wisdom will help you see the destructive, selfish, toxic nature of lust and adultery.

3:3 - Make sure that love and faithfulness are written all over the core of your being and on every aspect of your life - then all aspects of your life will be successful. Does this mean that you will be rich and everything will be perfect? No. It means that you will understand what true success means that you will understand the richness of loving relationship and knowing that God is in control.

3:9 - When we give to God first from our wealth, we are living out our trust of Him and our humility before Him...and these things are essential ingredients to an wisdom seeker's life.

3:11-12 - Do not be angry and resentful when God allows you to wallow in the consequences of your own sin choices. I know this is easier to say than to live out, but it is through these consequences that God disciplines and instructs us. Through the pain we are experiencing, God wants us to return to Him...God's discipline is a sign of His love for us.

3:19-20 - I love this beauty picture of wisdom...Solomon writes that the Lord created the entire universe through His wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is the brush with which God created all things. What can you and I create in your lives by seeking wisdom? Better lives? Better relationships? Peace? Joy? A better world? Yes - I believe we can.

3:30 - This hits very close to home with me. Why do I feel the need to compete and contend with everyone around me? Why do I constantly feel the need to try to prove myself "better" than another? Am I that I that fearful? The need to contend over mundane/meaningless events is a sign of arrogant selfishness...not the mark of a wise person.

3:35 - Pretty cut and dry - the life spent seeking Godly wisdom is honorable...the life spent rejecting God and His wisdom is a heartbreaking disgrace.

1 comment:

melyssaM said...

I completely agree w/your comment about Proverbs 28:1.
I too struggle to not be ashamed to speak the word of God to strangers or family members who are not saved for fear of emarresment or my lack of knowledge.

My goal is to try and read more of the bible and actually understand what I am reading :)