Thursday, December 2, 2010

Psalms 144 - 150

144:1-2 - I love the imagery that God is our defense...He is our fortress...our shield. Not only can we stand firm in our faith knowing that God is with us, He prepares us for war so that we might be able to stand against the overwhelming forces of evil in this world. I am not alone...I am not unarmed...I am armed with the Word of God...I am armed with the knowledge of truth and a better way. May I stand strong.

145:5-6 - We must remember to always think back to the way that God has moved in our lives. Think about the times when you have seen Him bring redemption and change to your life and the lives of people around you. Think about how you have seen His hands at work in the world...think about the miracles He has worked in people's lives. When you remember these things and focus on them, then you will be able to powerfully testify to the greatness of God. You don't have to know everything about God and the bible to teach others about need to speak from the heart about how you have seen Him move.

146:3-4- There is no hope found in the lives of other human beings. How often have we seen ourselves and others crushed by putting their hope fully in the life of another person? Remember the pain, the heartbreak, the letdown that comes when we find out that they cannot be our salvation...they cannot give us what we seek. Our hope...our salvation...our fulfillment can only be found in God.

147:6 - God's kingdom is totally upside down from the kingdom of this world. In God;s kingdom it is always opposite day with regards to how we know the world operates. In God;s kingdom the lowly and weak are lifted up and honored...they are the people who garner is the evil, arrogant, strong that are brought to their knees in humility before God. Which group do you associate with more? Which group do you strive to be a part of?

148:5 - This verse really sums up the chapter. Everything...everything in all of creation must praise the Lord because He is our creator. Do you understand - we don;t exists without Him? I meet people that think it is unreasonable that God demands worship...they think it sounds arrogant and selfish, but my question is, "How arrogant and selfish is it for human beings who only exist by the power of God's presence to deny Him His rightful place of honor in their lives?" We are nothing without God, so He deserves everything from us.

150:6 - This is such a fitting way to close out the book of psalms - let everything that has breath praise the Lord! AMEN!

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