Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Haggai Chapters 1 and 2

Haggai is a prophet who was called to speak to the returning remnant who have come back to the Promised Land to restore it to its former glory. Unfortunately, when the people get there, they forget about their duty to God and worry only about their own comfort. This is the issue that Haggai is addressing as he prophesies...

There are a couple of questions that come to mind as I enter into reading Haggai: What do you feel that God has called you to do? What are the obstacles in your life that get in the way of doing what God has called you to do? The Israelites were distracted by their own comfort and ignored the calling that God has placed on them to rebuild the temple...what are you and I missing out on because we keep allowing ourselves to get distracted?

1:4 - Here we see that they have turned to building up their own houses and their own wealth, before building up the house of the Lord. They are ignoring the temple, which was vital to Hebrew worship, because they want their own houses to look good. Does this strike a chord with you? Are there any meaningless endeavors that you allow to get in the way of your own relationship with God?

1:9 - Here again we see that the Israelites are working towards their own ends and ignoring the house of God...the kingdom of God...they are allowing God's reputation to be dishonored among the people of the earth (The temple represented the presence of God in the ancient world, and by leaving it in ruins, the Jews were leaving the name of God in ruins). How many of us ignore convictions from God for a wide variety of reasons? Maybe we are scared of not knowing what the future holds...maybe we are too comfortable to change things...maybe we use our family as an excuse to ignore the call of God...what is hindering your impact on the kingdom of God?

1:12 - This is actually a very refreshing verse...this is one of the few instances in the Old Testament prophetic writings, where the people listen to the prophet and repent. They see that they are wrong and they changes their ways - YAY! Now let's make sure that you and I are willing to do the same when we are convicted by God.

2:3-5 - The new temple that they are building is not even close to being as beautiful and as impressive as the temple of Solomon that was destroyed. Ezra 3:12 describes the weeping that was done by people who had seen Solomon's temple because they knew it was going to be so much less. But God, speaking through Haggai, wants the people to know that He is with them...the way the temple looks is not what matters, it is the presence of God within that matters. This is such an important message for Christians to hear and understand today. It does not matter what a church building looks does not matter what a person looks like on the outside...what truly matters is that God is dwelling within.

2:9 - Haggai then goes on to prophecy that the house of the Lord will actually become even greater than the temple was under Solomon's reign. The nations will be gathered to it in the future. Think about how incredibly beautiful and expansive the temple is today? Through Jesus Christ the temple is the living and active people of God. We have become the new temple...dwelling places for the Holy Spirit of God...a temple that is mobile and moving throughout the earth to make the name of God great. Isn't that cool!?

2:10-14 - Why does Haggai question the priests? He asks if holiness can be transferred from one object to another and the priests correctly answer - "No." Then he asks if uncleanness can be transferred from one person or thing to another, and again they answer correctly, "Yes." But why does he ask these things? He wants the people to understand how serious the situation is. Uncleanness and defilement are more contagious than holiness. There is an epidemic sweeping through the people of Israel. They are selfish and they are unwilling to fight for holiness in their lives and so God is not honoring their labor. We need to understand in our own lives that sinfulness is so much easier to fall into and it is so much easier to spread sinfulness around to other people, then it is to make the choice day in and day out to fight for holiness. Don't allow yourself to fall into the downward spiral of recurring everything you can to pursue holiness every day and cry out to God for His help because of your weakness.

2:20-23 - I love how the book of Haggai closes out with words of encouragement for Zerubbabel (The man who was chosen to lead the people who are rebuilding the temple). This is what God tells Zerubbabel: Do not worry - I am in control. I will overthrow the kingdoms surrounding you. You are my servant (This affirms his obedience). You are my signet ring (This affirms his role in the future plans of God). I have chosen you. These words are powerful words spoken to Zerubbabel so that he might now how God feels about him. These are words that also speak powerfully to our own lives if we let them. Do you believe that God is in control so you don;t have to worry? Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? You should.

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