Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Zephaniah Chapters 1-3

1:2 - This book starts out with some very harsh language from God. God speaking through the prophet Zephaniah says that He is going to utterly sweep away everything from the earth. Wow - that is pretty intense. Does this mean that God is saying He is going to destroy everything? Clearly since we are still living, everything was not does this mean that God was wrong, did God misspeak? No that is not it at all. We have to understand the context in which this phrase was being used. Zephaniah's audience would not have thought that this meant that God was going to destroy everything...they would have seen it for what it was, a warning for the people of Judah to turn back to God or face His judgment. As we will see later int he chapter, God always offers His people hope and a way out if they will turn away from evil. When God's judgment comes, it is like a holy fire that burns away everything except what is good - He always leaves a remnant behind.

1:5 - Zephaniah is giving some of the reasons for God's anger against His people. They are living in total hypocrisy. They praise God with their mouths, yet then they will run off and offer their children as sacrifices to the pagan god Molech (Called "Milcom" here). In pagan cultures around the Israelites at this time, it was believed that sacrificing your own child could bring prosperity to your was absolutely disgusting and God is understandably ticked off about it. They claim to be His people, but they are showing how little they actually trust Him by taken part in disturbing pagan rituals. It is easy for us to get disgusted with the Israelites here as well, but let's turn the challenge back to ourselves for a little while. Where do you waste your worship? Are there things in this world that you put your trust in more than God? How many parents still sacrifice their children to the false gods of wealth, achievement, sports, music, hopes that it will bring their family prosperity?

1:8 - The leaders of Judah are trying to portray themselves as something they are not...they are putting on the clothes of foreign people...people who worship false that they can fit that they can be "cool." What they are saying through their actions is that they are embarrassed of believing in God. Again we can ask ourselves a hard questions here - what clothes do you put on? Do you represent the name of Christ that you carry as a Christian, or are you ashamed for people to know what you believe?

1:12 - Here God judges the complacency of His people. The people of Judah have gotten to the place where they feel like God is going to do they don't feel the need to change anything about the way they live their lives. They are content to simply exist, rather then push themselves to honor God with their lives. How often have we seen this come to play in the lives of current day Christians? How many Christians simply go to church because it is what they do, and refuse to let the way of Jesus change anything about the way they live their lives?

2:3 - Even in the direst of circumstances...even in the face of God's wrath...there is always hope for the people of God. If the people will humble themselves before God, do His will and seek His righteousness...they will be spared from His anger. We who have been forgiven by Christ have even more motivation to honor God with our lives. Jesus paid the price for our sins of the cross. He said, "I will take the punishment they deserve, so that they will be free of sin." Instead of working to avoid God's wrath...Christians should live their lives to honor God's incredible mercy and love.

2:15 - The pagan cities that Zephaniah confronts here believe that they are invincible. They believe that they are safe in their own strength. They believe that God does not exists and that they are the highest power...yet they are dead wrong. They will eventually come face to face with the reality of their own crushing weakness...we will all come face to face with that truth in one way or another. Hopefully we will see our weakness and throw ourselves on the mercy of God, before He brings us to our knees.

3:2 - Arrogance and pride are always at play in those who reject God. Zephaniah describes people here who will not listen to anyone else's voice...who will not accept and help or instruction. They are utterly unteachable. They cannot see that it is impossible for them to save themselves and they pull further and further away from God. This is not where you want to be!

3:5 - God is holy - He only does what is right...always. He is right there in our midst...His Spirit is working on our hearts and lives...He is influencing and shaping our you know Him? Do you listen to His voice? You should.

3:17 - I love this verse!!! God is here! God is good! You are never alone. The God of our salvation is never far from us...He loves you, He sings for joy over the good things that are going on in your life. Drink that is good. God is good.

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