Friday, May 7, 2010

I Chronicles Chapters 26-29

26:1 - The gatekeepers were incredibly zealous for God's I the same way?

27:3 - The is the "in a pit with a lion on a snowy day guy." He is an incredible individual fighter - he made a name for himself with fantastic combat victories. But we see here that he used his influence and abilities to lead other people instead of using it solely for personal recognition. It is always such a waste when talented individuals use their God-given gifts only to honor themselves...when they have such an opportunity to influence people around them.

28:8 - To maintain the covenant and remain in the Promised Land, the people needed to stay true to the Lord...David is reminding them of this fact. Unfortunately they don't remember and it gets ugly. Life has a habit of spiraling out of control when we choose to totally reject God.

28:9 - I love what David says to Solomon here...he has a great understanding of what it means to be a follower of God. Following God means that you offer every area of your life to Him as an act of worship...every area. It means you fight for righteousness and strive to honor God with your words, actions, thoughts, etc. There are no secret areas that we can keep hidden from God, so everything counts.

29:9 - I love this picture...they find great joy in giving away their material possessions to God's work! Is that what offering time looks like in our churches? How can they find such joy in sacrifice? Because they gave freely out of the love for God in their hearts...they had no expectations of future blessings...they had no fears...they just let themselves worship.

29:15 - In the ESV David says there is "no abiding" to end this verse. That means his view of life s that there is no hope...humans beings live and then thy die. Even for the Israelites, their only hope was a future for their descendants...they didn't have a fully realized understanding of eternity with God. How incredible is it that we have access to the hope that comes through Jesus Christ? We know how this story ends...we know that there is more to existence then just this life!

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