Friday, December 12, 2008

1 John Chapter 1 - December 12, 2008

1:2 - Jesus is the manifestation of God come to earth as a human being. All that goodness of God described later in this chapter was formed into Jesus Christ. He is the Word come to life...He is the truth...He is the perfect picture of what truly living should look like. Isn't it awesome that God loved us so much He came down to show us what true living looks like and died so that we could actually experience it?

1:5-9 - There is this fine line you must walk in being a Christian. You cannot walk willingly in darkness and call yourself a child of light. You can't! God is only light - offspring who live in the darkness cannot be His children. On the other hand, you and I both know that we cannot live perfect lives...darkness is constantly trying to creep back into us. It comes down to attitude. As children of God we must turn in humility and brokenness to Him so that we can be made righteous. We cannot live in darkness and occasionally come back to God to feel better. We must do everything we can to live in the light and depend fully on Him to take care of the residue of darkness within us.

2 Peter Chapter 3 - December 12, 2008

3:7 - The bible has some seemingly contradictory ideas about the end times. There is a strong case for fiery destruction of everything in the end (See: this passage). Yet, there is also a case to be made for a remaking of the earth - a redemption of the earth if you will. How do fiery destruction and redemption work together. Well this passage says the destruction of fire is for the ungodly. So maybe the fire is like a refiners fire that will burn away the sinful - leaving the pure. Fire and redemption - YAY!

3:8-9 - God is outside of time...He is beyond it...cannot be constrained by it. So we must always remember, that He is not slow in coming and bringing justice to all of creation - He is actually showing His great mercy by giving people the chance to turn back to Him.

3:14 - Always be about the business of righteousness and peace. There are no magical "free times" where you can get away with sin with the expectation of repenting later. The length of your life is no guarantee...stay on guard and honor God with your life - every moment of your life.

3:18 - Grow in grace. Often Christian who grow in knowledge, also grow in judgement, but as we grow closer to Christ we should become steadily more gracious.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2 Peter Chapter 2 - DEcember 11, 2008

2:9ff - That was an intense chapter!!! I guess the positive we can take from it shows up in verse 9 and following. Do not give up. Do not give into frustration when it seems like evil is winning int he world and the good are powerless. God has a long history of rescuing His people from terrible events, He's been doing it from the beginning of time. Trust that He is just and in the end there will be vindication.

2:14-15 - If the eyes have been trained to be adulterous...if we have allowed them to linger and lust countless times...they will never be satisfied - they will be come insatiable. If the heart is trained for greed, it will be consumed with materialism and it will never be satisfied. When we train ourselves to long for the things of this world, we will never find satisfaction or wholeness. What have I trained myself to be?

2:20 - It is a singularly unique and twisted form of vileness that allows a man or woman to come in contact with the way of Christ and then leave it behind and turn to an even more sinful state than before. The price to pay will be virtually insurmountable.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Peter Chapter 1 - December 9, 2008

1:4 - Just offers us the opportunity - the only opportunity available in the universe - to leave the corruption of human sinfulness (fueled by our inherent selfishness) behind and actually come in contact with the divine! He is offering us a chance to experience taste get a glimpse of what truly being alive can look like - living beyond ourselves. Do you trust him? To trust means that you believe everything Jesus said and did, and it impacts the way you live.

1:9 - If we as Christians, focus only on the forgiveness of sins and getting fire insurance for ourselves (i.e. staying out of hell), we are absolutely wasting and disrespecting the power of the way of Jesus. To live like his sacrifice was simply about keeping us out of hell is near-sighted and lame! Jesus offered himself, not just to save our souls, but to give us a shot at that divine life talked about before. He came to change the way we live now, as much as he came to change where we end up in the end. We need to forget about focusing on "not going to hell" and live right now to bring the kingdom of heaven with us wherever we bring the way of Jesus to the forefront of this world by living it out every day.

1:15 - We all have a finite time on this earth...are we making every effort to leave behind a legacy of truth that points straight to Jesus for the people around us? When we are gone, will our lives be a testament to the truth of Jesus Christ?

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Peter Chapter 5 - December 8, 2008

2-5 - One statement really sums it up - God opposes the proud. Leaders should lead out of humility. People being led should follow out of humility.

6 - God knows what is best for us...including when things should really go well. We must humbly trust that God knows the proper time for us to experience success. (Isn't that really tough though?)

9 - Maybe Satan has allowed us in the States to live fat and happy lives because those kind of lives are even more dangerous for our faith than suffering filled lives? What about this, "Stand firm in the faith, knowing that people all around you are living easy self-centered lives that lead only to emptiness and lack of trust in God."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Peter Chapter 4 - December 5, 2008

Still out climbing...please comment.

I Peter Chapter 3 - December 4, 2008

On my way to Guadalupe Peak (The highest point in Texas), no computer access. Please write your own comments.

I Peter Chapter 2 - December 3, 2008

5 hours of meeting today = no blog, but please feel free to write your own comments (Tim).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Peter Chapter 1 - Decmeber 2, 2008

1:3-4 - Contrast the inheritance that God offers to what the world has to offer - material things are finite, defiled and perishable...pretty big difference.

1:6ff - Our future inheritance is so insanely incredible, that we rejoice in that future...that hope. We rejoice and remain faithful even in the face of trials and persecution, and when we do that our faith stands as a testimony to the awesomeness of Jesus Christ. When we stay faithful through hard times, our lives become instruments of praising God and leading others to Him.

1:8 - This is great picture of what the Christian life should look like: even though we cannot see Jesus, you believe in Him and have this inner strength and joy that is unexplainable. That's what we should look like. Is your life filled with inexpressible joy? What's wrong?

1:15 - Christian, if you carry the name of a holy life. Let the old life that was controlled by twisted sinful passions die and begin to live a set apart - different - Christ-like kind of life. That's what we're supposed to be doing. When you fail, rely on the grace of God and keep moving towards holiness. You will never get there in this life, but that is the goal - holiness.

1:18-19 - You were not left to die in captivity, you were ransomed at the highest price ever paid. You were paid for by the blood of God. That is how much you are worth to God. Never forget that.

1:22-23 - Another picture of what a Christian should look like. It says if you are born again - if you are really a Christian - you will love each other without motive (Not to get something or because you are supposed to, etc.) will love out of a pure heart. Love for the sake of love. Love because God is love.

Monday, December 1, 2008

James Chapter 4 and 5 - December 1, 2008

4:1 - The cause of chaos and fighting in the world is simple...we allow our twisted human passions to control us. We see something that somebody else has and we want it - so we take it, or do whatever it takes to get one. We covet the social status of another so we do whatever it takes to bring them down or raise ourselves up. We claw and fight and scratch to make ourselves happy with the things of this world, when we need to turn to our heavenly father for fulfillment.

4:7 - When people exalt themselves, they draw near to Satan (Satan was the original self-exalter). When we humble ourselves we draw near to God.

4:11 - This is hugely important for me to remember in my own arrogance... don't judge or feel jealousy about other ministers or ministries. I must leave the judgement to God and rejoice in the victories of my fellow workers in Christ.

4:16 - Waking up everyday and assuming that you will have an infinite number of future days with which to work your plans is sinful arrogance. Every day is a precious gift...every hour...and we must live with that kind of humility.

5:1ff - Whoa! Talk about some intense wording! The rich have made money their god - they have sold their soul to it...some are willing to sacrifice their families to the god of money (And we scoff at the OT pagans who sacrificed babies, arrogantly assuming that no modern person would sacrifice loved ones for an idol...hmmm). The rich who have served money will weep and howl when they see the meaninglessness of their life's pursuits in the end...I really don't want to be in that crowd.

5:7ff - It seems like the righteous are wondering why the rich and powerful seem to have better lives. Be patient. Look to the prophets. Men that were mocked and persecuted who were eventually vindicated. We have a victorious future ahead of us, just finish the race.

5:12 - I want to live the kind of life and have the kind of character, where my words are always taken at face value.

5:13ff - Pray in everything...good, bad, sick, healthy, strength, weakness...everything. Prayer is powerful when prayed by a believer who has faith in God.

5:19ff - You cannot stray too far from the love of God. Nobody can. We as Christians are called to bring back the lost and rebellious, not to drive them away with our arrogant judgements.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

James Chapter 3 - November 25, 2008

3:1 - Hold everything! Nobody told me this in preaching class at DCC...oh man, this is not good! Anybody know if their companies are hiring?

3:5ff - It is insane when you think about it...this freaky piece of muscle and corpuscle in our mouths has the ability to destroy our lives. Think about all the horrible situations you have been in...chances are, that those situations became the horrible situations they were because somebody (I'm SURE it wasn't YOU!) let their tongue flap out of control. It is vital as a mature believer to be men and women who seek to control the words that come out of their mouths.

3:9 - How do we do it? How on earth do we praise God with the same mouths we use to call curses down on people around us who are created in His image?

3:13ff - You can tell the type of wisdom you are using and the people around you are using, by the environment you are creating. If it is an environment of chaos and're probably not using Godly wisdom. Godly wisdom produces peace. What type of world are you promoting?

Monday, November 24, 2008

James Chapter 2 - November 24, 2008

*Sorry about last week...I am lame.

*Thought I'd have some fun and modernize the passages instead of commenting.

2:1ff - If you are a Christian and you are really trying to live out your faith in Jesus Christ, you better not be playing favorites. How sick would it be for a believer to reject somebody because they weren't rich enough or pretty enough...God doesn't play favorites and neither should we!

2:5 - We need to get a clue. Who cares about worldly wealth. The truly rich in this world are those who have to completely rely on God. The poor and broken reach out to our Lord Jesus Christ and are given hope and strength. The rich think they have it all figured out...they think they can take care of themselves, and their faith (or lack there of) gives testimony about where they put their trust.

2:13 - Don't expect to be treated with mercy if you are an unmerciful jerk. When in doubt about how to handle a situation, err towards mercy not towards judgment. Mercy always wins over judgement in the end.

2:14ff - What is the point of being a Christian if your belief changes nothing about the way you live you life! Seriously, go follow somebody else if the way of Jesus holds no bearing on who you are and what you do. Our actions don't save us, but they definitely show what we care about. How insanely sick would it be for a Christian to see a person who is starving and say, "I'll pray for you," as we head off to McDonald's? Let you treatment of others reflect the mercy that God has showered down on you.

2:19ff - (Insert sarcastic clapping here) Congratulations, you believe in God? Wow, even the demons believe that there is a God. In fact, they believe so thoroughly that they shudder in response to His power (Some Christians don't even do that). You talk a great game, but your faith is backed up by action. If you truly understand the power of the God you theoretically believe something about it. Live for Him.

2:26 - A Christian who refuses to act like Christ (At least to make an attempt) is no Christian at all.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

James Chapter 1 - November 18, 2008

1:4 - We can attain perfection - SWEET! Oh wait, perfection as the Jewish readers would have understood it meant, "a complete, whole person." So James is telling us that the only way for us to truly become whole is to persevere through trials and keep our trust in God. So being allowed to go through tough times is actually for our own good. When you remain faithful in trials and see that God can and will get you through anything, you start to more fully understand that you really do "lack nothing."

1:6 - Does this mean that every time we doubt we are worthless, double-minded people not worthy of carrying the name of Christ? I sure hope not! I don't believe James is referring to our occasional personal doubts and questions, he is referring to a duplicity of nature. You see this theme throughout the chapter. If you are a Christian your life should reflect that. If you doubt the validity of the word of God and you refuse to apply it to your personal life outside of live in a state of hypocrisy and mock the very truth you claim to follow. That is a little more intense than your occasional momentary doubts.

1:9-11 - Why can't we see how true this is? Chasing after wealth is the ultimate way to chase humiliation. How humiliating is it to live your whole life to acquire as much money as possible and then you die and it is all meaningless. Your whole life would then be meaningless. Is that not humiliating? Why can we not see that as human beings?

1:14-15 - In case you were confused, James throws down a nice little sin-cycle diagram for you. 1.) We are all tempted by our own sinful desires (So don't go blaming God the next time you are struggling with temptation...instead turn to Him for strength and help). 2.) That same sinful human nature that tempts us, also draws us into the sin (Seriously, turn to is the only way to break free from sin and temptation). 3.) Sin leads us by the hand skipping merrily into death. Brutal, brutal cycle. So we have within us, everything we need to bring about our own demise and no possible way to save ourselves.

1:23-24 - If you call yourself Christian and you have believe the word of God, let that word be reflected in your daily life. Living contrary to the truth you have believed in is like looking at yourself in a mirror and immediately forgetting what you look like as you turn away. You are forgetting yourself - who you are - it is is living a dual life.

1:26 - How about this for a nice little wake up slap in the face - if you can't control your tongue, your religion is worthless. Why? Because you ignore so many aspects of the message of Christ - self-control, humility, honor, respect, using the gifts God has given you appropriately, etc. The mouth is the communication system from our heart to the world - what yours communicates says alot about what you believe.

1:27 - True religion - taking care of widows and orphans. We've all heard it a million times and I hope you agree. But there is another part in there too...keep yourself unstained by the world. It all goes back to that theme of have one perfect, whole life as opposed to the dual-natured life.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Philemon Chapter...uh, where's the chapter? - November 17, 2008

Background: Most scholars believe that Onesimus is a slave that has run away from his master. He has either run away to escape to freedom, or he has run away to beg Paul to ask his master to be lenient on him because of some offense. Either way, what we understand is that after Onesimus ran away, he becomes a full fledged follower of God and in Paul's eyes this changes the situation. So Paul sends Onesimus back to Philemon to make things right and expects Philemon to treat him graciously.

7 - Paul starts out by reminding Philemon that Christians are not meant to be alone. We do not fly solo. We are a prat of a greater body than ourselves...we are a part of a body of love and accountability. This is important for us to understand because Paul is about to ask Philemon to do something that is unheard of in this mercy to a runaway slave.

8-9 - Paul has a right to demand obedience from Philemon as an apostle, but instead he chooses to use a gracious appeal. Good lesson for those in leadership.

11 - The word useless in this passage is basically synonymous with Christ-less. He is saying, when Onesimus left you he was not a he is a changed he is a man of Christ, which changes everything.

17 - We see the runaway slave become the apostolic representative for Paul - wow! What a beautiful picture of the grace and life change that Jesus offers.

End - Onesimus goes back to his master to pay his debts like any man of God wants to do. Paul expects that Philemon will treat Onesimus with the respect that is due to a fellow brother in Christ, and hopes that Onesimus will be able to return to help him in his old age. We have no idea how the story ends, but it is safe to say that it ended well since it made it into the bible! I don;t think the early church fathers would have included a letter from Paul that was completely ignore!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Titus Chapter 3 - Novmeber 14, 2008

3:1 - This is a good reminder for Christians on either side of political spectrum. We can disagree and use our vote to do the talking, but when it is all said and done we offer submission and respect to those who have been placed over us.

3:3 - Read verse three there any more reason you need for treating people with grace? Why be gracious...why offer people second chances...why show love to those who are far from God? Because that was once you! That was once me! I was foolish, disobedient, rebellious, sinful, twisted, crazy, stupid....oh wait, I still am many of those things (To a lesser degree by the grace and teachings of God). So be gracious and patient with others as our Father is gracious and patient with us.

3:8 - As Christians, we must insist on the validity of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the grace he offers us! That is crucial to all we the hope we have...and it is the driving force behind anything good we could ever possibly muster.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Titus Chapter 2 - November 12, 2008

2:2-10 - We have seen instructions like these over and over in the last few letters we have read, but something we need to understand is that these instructions for men, women and slaves fall under the general theme of submission and humility. We are not called to live a chaotic self-interested life...we are called to be controlled and think of others first. We must think of the impact the things we do and say have on other people. That is what God is calling us live lives that actually put other people before ourselves.

2:11 - This verse starts out "FOR." Paul is saying, "Why should you live humble lives putting others first? For...the grace of God appeared bringing salvation to all people." Why? Because it's not about you! Everything we have...the air we breath...the life that is coursing through our bodies, is a gift from God. Everything we are is because of the grace of God. It is not about us...we are not good enough or smart enough or anything enough to be prideful and arrogant and self-centered. It is all about God and living to honor Him, so we can live humble lives that place others before ourselves...because it's not about us (Are you getting the pictrure that it's not about us?)!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Titus Chapter 1 - November 11, 2008

1:4 - We must continue to carry on the tradition of raising spiritual children. A mature believer should come alongside non-believers or new Christians and act as a spiritual guide. Not an arrogant-know-it-all-jerk, but as a person who wants to journey with them towards Christ. This is also a great way to push yourself and grow your own faith.

1:13-14 - When a Christian is spouting lies about God and twisting the faith, he must be confronted...for his sake and the sake of the Gospel.

1:15 - This verse is like a slap in the face. I have seen impurity corrupt my own life. How many times have I twisted the innocent words of others' into some sort of perverted joke? If you look back at your hearts and thoughts honestly, you can see firsthand how what you allow your mind to dwell on begins to shape all your thoughts. We must fight for purity, not just of body, but of mind, heart and sight - everything.

1:16 - Look at the words Paul uses as adjectives in this verse. Detestable...disobedient...unfit for any good work! What is he describing? He is describing Christians who claim to follow Christ and deny him every day through their actions and words. Hypocrisy isn't just vile to the rest of the world sickens God. God please let me live a life unified with your way.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Timothy Chapter 4 - November 6, 2008

4:2 - We must always be ready to share the gospel, defend our faith, hold each other accountable...all through the power of the word of God. We never know when God is going to open a door, so we must remain vigilant and ready - like a trap about to spring - trusting that the Spirit of God will guide us. It is also very important to remember what Paul tags on at the end of the verse, "with complete patience and teaching." We have to be ready to act, but the action needs to come out of grace and love, and not out of a desire to theologically crush another person.

4:5 - Good rules of life. Be sober-minded: don't let your focus get destroyed by anything that will skew your judgement. Endure suffering: if we plan on living for God in this world, the enemy is not going to take that decision lightly. Evangelize: we are supposed to be doing this - period! Evangelism is not just for people "gifted" in talking about God...every one of us as Christians should be looking for opportunities to speak truth into the lives of lost people around us. Fulfill your ministry: do all of the above and you will probably make this happen.

4:7 - It is my goal in life to live in such a way to deserve uttering these words when I know my time is short, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith." We never know when we are going to die, so I must live every day with a simple focus of fighting on, finishing and keeping the faith.

4:14 - Go read 1 Timothy 1:20. I think this could be the same Alexander. They excommunicated him from the church in 1 Timothy, so maybe he decided to wage a personal war against the Christians. Paul usually doesn't talk too much about the physical pain he has endured, so this is probably a reference to the damage that Alexander is doing to work of the Gospel.

2 Timothy Chapter 3 - November 5, 2008

Sorry about yesterday - crazy times around the office! I did read the chapter though and would love to hear your thoughts.

3:12 - All who desire to live a godly life will be persecuted! Time to count the cost of discipleship, huh?

3:16-17 - This is why we do the bible blog...God's word is powerful and we need to be filling ourselves with it daily.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2 Timothy Chapter 2 - November 4, 2008

* Paintball day today - it was awesome...I am going to read the chapter right now, but will not comment today. Please feel free to share your own thoughts.

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 Timothy Chapter 1 - November 3, 2008

1:5 - How important is it to live out your faith boldly in your family? HUGE! As a father it is my duty to pour the power of truth of the gospel into my is their choice to grab a hold of that truth (But they're still gonna go to church no matter what if they are living in my house!). If you are a student living at home, you can also lead through the example of your faith.

1:9 - God did not call us because we are "good" enough - He called us because HE is good enough!

1:12 - If you know what you believe and who you believe in...if you truly know it - you will be able to live boldly and powerfully for God in this world.

1:14 - Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you as a believer, and fight to protect the faith that has been planted within you.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 6 - October 31, 2008

6:1 - With husbands, with wives, even here with slaves, the point is not that we should put up with horrible situation by painting on a smile...the point is: the way of Christ is a way of submission...a way of others first. In every area of our lives, we honor God by putting others above ourselves.

6:4 - This is something that I need to remember...winning every ridiculous argument is not the way to reflect God's love in this world. Humility and respect are not often found in the ranks of the absurdly argumentative.

6:7 - So true...and so far off from the way we live. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US! 

6:12 - We can take hold of our eternal life now! We can grasp it in our present, finite lives! Never forget the confession you have made and never forget the world/kingdom you have been called to live out now. The kingdom of heaven s now...the kingdom of heaven is here when we bring heaven crashing to earth through the path of Christ.

6:16 - Love that description of God/Jesus. That is what he gave up to come down to earth and die for us.

6:18 - The only type of wealth we should be chasing after...a wealth of God-honoring good deeds and generosity.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 5 - October 30, 2008

5:1-16 - What we can glean from this passage about dealing with widows...
A.) Churches must determine the needs of widows in their congregations. Some widows will have significant amounts of money in savings and investments and may not need financial help at all. Many widows will be very self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves completely. What Paul may have been talking about in the passage when he says "true widows" over and over, is widows that do not have much in the money department and who cannot take care of themselves without assistance. These are the widows that churches must make sure they are taking care of to fulfill their Christian duty.
B.) We need to understand that as Christians the first people responsible for the "true widow" are the family members of the widow. The main supporters financially and the main supporters emotionally should be the widow's own family. That makes sense, right? All of us as sons and daughters should think about what it means for each of us, to take care of one or both of our parents in the future and prepare for that inevitability.
C.) The widows must be aware of their personal responsibilities. Paul is very clear that widowhood does not give a free pass to become idle and selfish. Widows should be focused completely on God and put their trust in Him (As we all should). Widows should seek after God and be an example for the younger people of the church (As we all should). Widows should pray continually for the church and people around the world. Paul sees widowhood for older women as an opportunity to serve God with every aspect of their lives. For younger widowed women he suggests moving on with life and marriage so that they don't burn with lust and become self-centered in the idleness. All of this seems to be good advice for widows and widowers today. In Paul's world there were rarely widowers, because men rarely lived beyond their 40's.

5:17-25 - Advice for pastors...
The word translated "elder" in this passage of the ESV is actually a different Greek word than the word used earlier in I Timothy to describe the overseers or what we would call elders today. Because of the reference to men who labor in preaching and teaching and the different Greek word, many have used this passage to relate directly to full-time pastors and teachers.
A.) The laborer deserves the wages. This is awkward for me to talk about, because I am a full-time paid minister. I will be the first to tell you that I am completely happy with the amount of money I receive and I actually do not even know what my salary is officially (My wife is the financial lady int he family). Because pastors want to keep themselves pure as described in verse 22, I think that we should all be very wary of becoming too money obsessed. When pastors start demanding huge yearly raises like the business world and hop from church to church to receive higher salaries, things start getting a little crazy. Churches should pay their ministers a decent wage, but ministers should remember that it wasn't the money that called us into ministry - it was God.
B.) Pastors must purposefully fight for their purity. As leaders in God's church they must understand that they are held to a higher standard and must go about the business of their heart and mind in such a way to bolster up their defenses against the attacks of Satan and his cronies. Ministry is often a high pressure job, where you are dealing with the greatest moments of people's lives and the lowest moments in people's lives in turn and no minister should ever assume that he/she is above any type of sin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 4 - October 29, 2008

4:3-4 - How many times has this happened in the Christian church...where we saddle each other with rules and regulations that have nothing to do with the will of God? What are some examples you have seen of this?

4:7 - Focus on what matters! How many hours have I wasted on the meaningless as my personal godliness was left to sit unchanging?

4:8 - This is a great verse for high school student athletes. Often driven to push their bodies through pain and punishment to reach the next level of athletic achievement. What could they do spiritually if they took the same attitude into their relationship with Christ...always striving to push the boundaries of their faith?

4:12 - Paul is talking to Timothy specifically here, but it applies to everybody. Whatever stage of life you are in, don't let people look down on your faith. Whether young or old, ignore the judgement of others and seek to honor God with every aspect of your life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 3 - October 28, 2008

3:2 - "Above reproach" - live a life that no one can call into question.

3:6 - Rising to a position of authority too quickly can lead to thinking you are better than others. That is a great foothold fro the devil to use against your personal ministry.

3:7 - I thought this was an interesting and often ignored portion of the elder requirements. It would be my guess that there are a few elders in a lot of churches in this world that are not thought of very highly in the secular world. Words like arrogant, judgemental, "holier than thou," and hypocrite come to mind. (NCC has some pretty stinkin' awesome elders though, one of my favorite parts about this church - I know the leadership is in godly hands)

3:9 - I thought it was interesting that the deacons are called to know the mysteries of the faith, and the elders were not. What does that mean? It may have been a forgone conclusion for Paul that the elders would already be incredibly strong in their faith, because they were expected to be strong teachers.

3:11 - Another interesting difference between the elder and deacon expectations...there is a lot more said specifically about how the wives of the deacons should live their lives. What does that mean? There is a biblical example of a woman who was a deacon (See Romans 16:1 - servant is deacon), so it is possible that the wives of deacons were allowed to be deaconess's. This would explain why they were given such specific instructions and also why he says these things before the "husband of one wife" line which would not apply to the ladies.

3:15 - This drives home the importance of personal accountability and faithfulness in the way you live out your life. We are the church...the lives we live are a pillar of truth to this world. What kind of truth are we putting out there through our actions?

3:16 - Love this - "mystery of godliness." What is the mystery of godliness? Well, Christ is the center of Christianity and the only way to enter into a relationship with God, correct? The sacrifice of Christ offers us a chance to be made holy and he lives his life as an example for us to follow when it comes a to living holy lives. So Jesus Christ himself is the mystery of godliness.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 2 - October 27, 2008

2:1 - A call to be prayer warriors for all people. Not just the ones we love...not just the ones we know...but all people. What could you do to make this a practical reality? Maybe you could pray for a different people group each day. Maybe you could pray for people you have a bias against.

2:7 - Simple, yet powerful statement of missional living. There is only one God. There is only one way to get to God (Jesus). My mission in life is to introduce as many people as possible to this truth.

2:8A - This is not a command that all men should constantly lift their hands in prayer, it is about an attitude of the heart. Lifting the hands was a Jewish custom of honoring the holiness of God. Paul is basically calling men to live lives worthy of the holiness of God.

2:8B - Anger and disputes stand directly in opposition to the holy life God has called us to live.

2:9ff - Women should dress modestly, not drawing attention to themselves through alluring clothing...they should draw attention to themselves through godly living. In Paul's day, he had to war against the pagan influences getting into his churches. The Greek society had female priestesses that slept with men for the glory of their fake gods. They had women who would dress extravagantly to impress people around them and show their superiority. Paul was willing to speak hard truth to fight against these kinds of things getting into the church. Today, we live in a much different world with an emphasis on gender equality (this will be discussed more in a minute), but that doesn't change the fact that we need to make sure the church is not twisted by outside influences. If women of this world dress to put their bodies on exhibit and get attention from men for all the wrong reasons...Christian women should seek the opposite end of the spectrum. They should live godly lives that draw attention towards God.

2:11ff - These are some of the hardest, most controversial passages in all of the New Testament. Yay! The first thing that we have to understand here is that context is king. Paul was living in a world where women, whether Greek or Jewish, were rarely, if ever, permitted to teach. Paul was writing to Timothy who is living in Ephesus. Ephesus was a center of worship for the goddess Artemis - who consequently had a huge following of sex obsessed male worshippers and free-love prostitute priestesses. Paul was dealing with some outside influences that could really crush the Christian church in its infancy...he had to make sure that pagan cultural ideals were not being taught in the church. Secondly, he never makes his statements about women a command...did you notice that? He says, "I do not permit..." In the context he is working in, he does not allow women to teach, but there may be contexts in which it is acceptable. In I Corinthians 9:22, Paul talks about how he is willing to become all things to all men so as not to become a stumbling block for non-believers. So, taking all that into account...I believe Paul would find it acceptable in our modern culture of equality that Christian churches would allow women to lead and teach. If we want to become all things to all men to avoid causing obstacles for non-believers, don't you think allowing women to use their God-given gifts or teaching and leadership would be an example of that. How many non-believers have mocked Christianity and turned from it in the modern world because they perceive it as oppressive and chauvinistic? Think about it. That said, the focus of the passage is about living peaceful lives of holiness. Whether a man or a woman, that is what you are supposed to be go do it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Timothy Chapter 1 - October 23, 2008

1:4 - Like Paul talked about in II Thessalonians, speculation about what you don't know is a waste of time. Why should we sit around arguing over little things that we don't have the answers to, when we know the kind of lives God has called us to live. Wasting time on stupid arguments, is not good stewardship of the life that God has given you.

1:5ff - And what is the purpose behind most theological arguments? In almost every one, the argument was not about guiding someone towards the truth, it was about who was right and who was was about pride and ego. I've seen people argue out of anger and drive wedges between fellow Christians, which I'm sure is exactly what Jesus wanted is to do with the scriptures (That was sarcasm if you didn't pick up on that.)! Paul says our aim is to speak love into the lives of the people we talk to...heated debates don't usually do that.

1:9 - Interesting thing to think about. The law is not a burden for the God followers, because they already know right and wrong...they are trying to live it out and the law is a helpful guide. The law exists truly for the godless rebels who do not know any better. The law offers them a chance to see they are destorying their lives and turn away from the path they are headed down.

1:12-13 - I love the fact that God saw a blasphemous persecutor of Christians and called him into His service. There is hope for rebellious sinners like us - YAY!

1:16 - God shows mercy to the sinful, because as they turn their lives around...they become a picture of the love and grace and patience of God. Redemption is beautiful, because it is the ultimate form of evangelism. Nothing speaks to the love and power of God as much as miraculous life-change.

1:20 - "Handed over to Satan." This seems to be one of those instances that calls for tough love. I imagine that Paul called these people out and tried to hold them accountable, but they probably rejected his words and continued to live however they wanted. Eventually Paul gave up on them and allowed them to reap what they had sown. His only hope is that as they are brought to their knees by the deception and sinfulness involved with a life of rejecting God, that they will come to their sense and turn back.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - October 21, 2008

3:6ff - Stay way from lazy Christians. Why? Because it rubs looks great, all the benefits of being a Christian (love, hope, community, etc.) with none of the hard work...lazy Christianity is tempting. But it is also meaningless, selfish and it shows extreme disrespect for God. What does laziness or idleness say about your faith? It says that you don't care enough about your relationship with God and the things that God has given you to get off your butt and do something for Him! You don't dishonor people who give you something through ingratitude and laziness - you show respect for their gift with thankfulness and working to give back. Don't dishonor the God who has given you everything, by doing nothing.

3:14 - If there are "Christians" around you who have heard the truth of God's word over and over and they refuse to obey it...stay away from them. They will do nothing but bring you down with them.

3:17 - I love this part. Paul usually has a scribe that writes his letters for him (If you haven't noticed, they are really long), but he always makes sure that he signs the last part in his own hand. He wants his audience to know that these are his words - Paul is a man of honor. We have a special place we put anonymous, whining notes and e-mails we get from the church...the trash. Christians should have enough character to stand behind the things they say, like Paul did.

Monday, October 20, 2008

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 - October 20th, 2008

WOW! Intense chapter.

Before we get started, let's clear something up. The "rapture" is something that we have invented as Christians, because we think it sounds more fun and enjoyable to fly up into heaven, as opposed to going through the evil and persecution that will be rampant on the earth in the "end times." You will notice in this chapter how Paul talks about the coming of the "lawless one" or anti-Christ...he says that this person will come when Christians are still around and then Jesus will come back and end it all. Think about the embarrassing dilemma the "rapture" brings with Jesus comes back a second time, raptures all good Christians, leaves, and then comes back a third time to end everything? Awkward. Every time Paul talks about the "gathering" or the "taking up" to heaven, it is closely related to the second coming of Christ...basically, it all goes down at the same time. And as Paul makes very clear, we don't need to be sitting around speculating about the "end times" because we are in the END TIMES! We have been in the end times since Jesus left. We are surrounded by self-seeking people that worship themselves (sometimes we are those people). This world is full of depravity and lawlessness and atrocities and horrors and deception and I could go on and on...but we need to accept we are in the end times - always. During times of persecution and lawlessness, Christians are given a chance to show the rest of the world truth and hope...why would we be removed from such opportunity! I am now officially stepping off my soap box.

2:3ffA - The important thing is this - our interest should not be in the anti-Christ, but in Jesus Christ - period! Who cares about when the guy who is going to lose is going to show up! I want to live for Jesus, so that when he shows up I am ready!

2:3ffB - It is interesting that when the anti-Christ comes, he will deceive the world through lies and false miracles...this charade will go on for some time, but there is no real power in his rule. There is only chaos, fear, depravity and lies. When Jesus returns, it is once for all. Jesus returns in true power and ends it all. No messing about, no lies or trickery...just plain unadulterated victory. Very different forms of leadership, don't you think?

2:7 - "The mystery of lawlessness is already at work." Great line. Basically - Satan and his cronies are already doing their best to prepare the world for the anti-Christ...lawlessness is already rampant and it always has been, and it is waiting for the man of lawlessness to come. Also, this verse says, "Only who who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way." What is this thing restraining the anti-Christ from coming. Short answer - nobody knows. We can see in verse 5 that Paul has already talked in person with the Thessalonians about these things, so we have no idea who he is talking about. We can assume that it is a power of good (God, Holy Spirit, angels, people preaching the gospel, etc.), because it is holding the evil at bay, but we don't know for sure. Ask Jesus when he comes back.

2:8 - *SPOILER ALERT* In the end...Jesus wins. That's all that really matters - now go live for Him!

2:12 - Paul wants these people to quit worrying about the future and focus on the NOW. Our fate is going to be decided by how we respond to the truth of God. How we respond now...not in the future...not someday, but NOW.

There is also other good stuff in the close of the chapter, but I am theologically spent. Please leave comments about what you got out of the chapter or my commentary.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 - October 16th, 2008

1:3 - Some people think that faith is a static thing - either you have it or you don't. Paul wants them to understand that true faith is an organic, ever-growing can always know God more and offer him people more. He is continuing a theme he used throughout I Thessalonians.

1:5 - Paul says that their staying faith strong in the face of persecution is evidence to God's justice. Because the Thessalonians trust God no matter what comes their way, they become a piece of evidence for the rest of the world to see...that God is worthy of trust. They are able to have this peace and strength in the face of hard times, and their inhuman power to do this is evidence of God's peace and grace.

As you read through the second half of this chapter, it seems to bring up a question...if God is so just, why are His people going through this persecution? If God is just, why doesn't He judge the world now? Paul gives us a clue in Romans 2:4 (Go read it)...God is showing patience and grace with the unbelieving sinners of the world. He is offering them a chance to come into His kingdom. His patience puts Christians in the path of persecution, but it offers nonbelievers a chance at redemption. It's a fair trade. Persecution forces us to rely on God and trust in His justice...and patience gives the nonbelievers we know and love a chance at eternal life. Works for me!

1:9 - Paul lays it out for us...separation from God is eternal destruction. Hell is separation from God. God is love and life...existence outside of God's influence would result in hatred and death. I'll take door number 1 Alex!

1:11 - God may I live to be worthy of Your calling.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Thessalonians Chapter 5 - October 15th, 2008

5:2 - We need to stop making predictions about when the Lord will return, because scripture tells us over and over again - we won't know! We have no idea. It is our job to live in the light and never give up hope for our future...the rest we leave up to God's timing. I personally hope it is soon.

5:11 - He continues with the theme of continually working and building and encouraging each other. Our job as fellow Christians is never done. There are always people to build up and encourage.

5:14 - Great list of leadership goals. Light a fire under the butts of the lazy. Give courage to those paralyzed by fear. Give strength to the weak and be patient with all of them (Because it can get really discouraging!).

5:23 - Awesome benediction! Wow. Anybody can speak this over me anytime they want!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Thessalonians Chapter 4 - October 14th, 2008

4:3 - God is not trying to be the cosmic kill-joy here by taking away all our fun sexual immorality, He is honestly showing us the best way for our lives. We have to be able to control our own bodies...because when our flesh is out of control, that is when we enter into a world of pain and joyless, meaningless experience that warp us forever. It goes way beyond sex...if you can't control your body is this department, how are you going to control it with addictions - nicotine, food, drugs, alcohol, shopping, whatever? How are you going to control your temper, your violence, your ability to rationally deal with other people. Absolutely no control over your flesh is no way to live. But Paul is saying it starts with controlling sexual sin.

4:7 - Talk about an in your face challenge to all of us...(Imagine this dripping with sarcasm) Oh, you mean God called you to a life of impurity - that's funny, I thought He called us all to a life of HOLINESS! We are called to holiness. God believes that we are worthy of such a call, and that gives me great pride - now it's time to go live it out.

4:10 - There seems to be this recurring theme throughout the letter - NEVER SETTLE. We are never going to "arrive" in any area of our faith. There is always going to be room for improvement...there is always going to be more and more that we can do...more and more that we can give. Christianity should never be boring, because there is always another mountain for us to climb - always.

4:13 - Our grieving should be completely different from the grieving of those married to this world, because we have hope. We know that an end to this earthly body is really just the beginning.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Thessalonians Chapter 3 - October 13th, 2008

3:4 - If you are really, truly going to walk the path of Jesus, you have to know there is going to be serious trouble. I think this is one of those things in the back of our minds that keeps us from actually doing it - fear. Life doesn't become easier as a becomes more dangerous. Do I live a dangerous life? And I'm not talking about throwing myself in front of cars and stuff like that...I mean, is there an air of danger in my life because I so desperately try to make the will of the Father my own? Do I teach a dangerous message? How about you?

3:5 - Paul is in torment and his only concern is the faith of his friends. That is so Jesus-like (Praying forgiveness for those who are crucifying you, anyone?)! I find that more often than not, I am exclusively worrying about my own problems. I think it's time for me to take some of Batman's anti-self-centeredness pills (If he has some, but he did have shark-repellent, so I'm pretty sure he's got these!).

3:12 - This is what life should be like for us...a constant increase in our ability to love other people. Seriously, after 30 years of being a Christian I should have a pretty large capacity for loving others, and after another 30 years (God willing...although I really wouldn't mind ditching this world and chillin' with Him!) my ability to love others should have increased by leaps and bounds. Part of the process that Christian go through to prepare their hearts for God's will, is living out a love for others. Why do I show the greatest ability to love myself?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Thessalonians Chapter 2 - October 9th, 2008

2:4 - This is an important verse for teachers and preachers to remember - it's NOT about pleasing's not about making people happy or making them feel good. We are called to speak the truth that God expects us to speak. He is the judge, not our fellow citizens of earth...His opinion is what we should be worried about.

2:11 - This is a great verse for youth ministry, because this is basically my job! Exhort, encourage and charge students to step into the glorious kingdom of God. That's what I'm supposed to do! In fact, that's what we are all supposed to be speaking into the lives of the people we come in contact with.

2:14 - Through the power of the Spirit of God and through the hard work and love of Paul and other ministers pouring their lives into the Thessalonians, they became imitators of Christ. The Thessalonians went from non-believers to suffering servants. This is a picture of the ultimate reward of ministering to people. To see them go from death to life. To see them leave the path of the world and walk in the footsteps of Jesus. That is awesome!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Thessalonians Chapter 1 - October 8th, 2008

The end of Colossians and the beginning of Thessalonians are short, so I thought I'd throw two down today, to do some catching up.

1:3 - Labor of love. Is that what your personal ministry is to you? Sometimes I think we allow our own ministries (we are all ministers, so don't check out!) to become this dead weight crushing obligation that we must fulfill to be "good Christians." This is how people get burned out. We must never forget to look at out ministry in this world as a labor of love. It is is hard, but it is about love. It is not about saving ourselves or being "good Christians," our labor for the Lord is about understanding how huge His love for us is and wanting other people to come in contact with that. If you lose that focus, you will lose any ability to function as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

1:8 - This reminds me of a quote from St. Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words." Great quote. Paul tells the Thessalonians their faith has gone everywhere because of their actions and applauds them because they haven't even had to say anything...they have just loved on people. Every day we should all be preaching that kind of Gospel...preaching the love of God through our actions. But don't forget - don't use St. Frannies quote as an excuse to allow you to only do "nice things" and consider your ministry finished. He said, "when necessary use words." There are times when it is definitely necessary to speak the words of God's love into people's lives. Be ready when the call to speak is placed on you.

Colossians Chapter 4 - October 8th, 2008

4:2 - Pray at all times, but don't just pray your prayers, look at what you are saying and make sure they are not selfish but full of thanks for all that God has given you. I have a bad habit of resorting to businesslike prayers where I pray only for what I want and need (Even if the stuff is honorable like wisdom for youth leadership or something like that). I must watch myself and make sure I am honoring God for who He is and what He has done for me.

4:3 - Notice Paul does not say, "Please pray for me, so I can get out of prison."? He says, "Pray that God will open up doors so I can share the Gospel." What an incredible, unselfish attitude. I love that! I want to be like that - in the midst of terrible circumstances, I want my thoughts to be only for God and His kingdom. Wow.

4:12 - Paul says that Epaphras is, "always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God." Could this description be given to me? I want to pray like this...I want to struggle on behalf of my family and my youth ministry praying that they will stand mature and assured in the will of God. This cuts to the heart, because I am frequently a man of selfish prayer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Colossians Chapter 3 - October 7th, 2008

3:1 - If you are a Christ follower you focus on things above...on heavenly things. This is so different from what most Christian, myself included, live out on a day to day basis. We spend so much time talking about politics or sports or movies (that are probably spiritually bankrupt anyway) or money, and then we wonder how we always run out of time for God. One of the marks of a true believer is a "big picture," God-centered focus.

3:5-10 - In case you were confused, Paul gives us all a little list of things that need to be left behind if you plan on living focused on what is above. Verse 7 jumps out at me, where he says, "in these things you once walked" (which I definitely have and sometimes do)...what challenges me about that phrase is the past tense. These are the things we leave behind as God's people. I want to be known as a man who "once" struggled with those things...because that implies that I no longer do. How beautiful would that be - how freeing!

3:11 - There is no place for bigotry, racism and stereotyped hatred...Jesus Christ has created all, is in all and through ALL! We when all ourselves to judge others on their culture or appearance...we pass judgement on Jesus Christ who made them.

3:14 - If anybody is reading this, how does love bind everything together? Why is love the ultimate relational glue?

3:18 - Wives, submit to your husbands as it fitting to the Lord. As is fitting to the Lord? This means wives aren't personal slaves to their husbands - that is not fitting to a daughter of the king. This means wives aren't lesser people than their husbands...that flies directly in the face of Colossians 3:11! It means that wives honor God and their husbands by offering respect and love...the same things that the husband should be sending back to the wife.

3:23 - Wherever you are....whatever you are hard because you aren't working for yourself or somebody are working for the Lord. Every day is a gift. Every ability you have is a gift. These should be offered up to God daily as a sacrifice of love.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Colossians Chapter 1 - October 6, 2008

Sorry about last week...I was rarely near a computer for a reasonable amount of time. I thought about doing to chapters throughout this week, but these chapters are too intense. I'll try to catch up later.

2:2-3 - Talk about a ministry mission statement! Wow! It's a little harder to remember then always growing, but this is intense. What does Paul long for in his people - unity (so close it is like they are knit together) - wisdom (being able to discern the mysteries of God) - hope (having full assurance that God is in control) - knowing God...literally knowing God, like they know themselves. This is what Paul longed for in the lives of his fellow Christians. Is that what we long for in our lives? Is this what we are striving towards? I hope so.

2:9-10 - The fullness of God dwells within Jesus and in turn Jesus fill us. We have the Spirit and power of God to call upon in our lives - why are we scared so often?

2:12 - I think that some people believe Christianity is this morbid religion calling everyone to crucify themselves...kinda depressing. But it is about so much more. It is a call to die with Christ, so that we can be raised with Him. A call to a new and better life, not a call to morbidly live in a state of death. Jesus bids us to come and put to death the life that is strangling us anyway and experiencing life at his side. Call me crazy, but that sounds pretty incredible to me.

2:16-19 - Why do we argue over the meaningless and not pour our energy into focusing on the meaning of everything - God?

2:23 - Religiously following rules does not overcome the sinful human nature for us. Sorry if that is news to you. Jesus overcame the flesh and we can only do that through him. Stop focusing on the rules and who is holier than who and start to chasing after Christ and Christ-like living.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Colossians Chapter 1 - September 30, 2008


1:5ff - When the gospel is truly heard and has taken root in people internally, God's people are always growing and always reaching out and always bearing fruit. That is what the truth does when it is inside of us. We cannot contain it...cannot keep it inside. May we meditate on the gospel of Jesus Christ - the good news that Paul so incredibly describes at the end of this chapter...and may we let that life-altering truth drive us to live as be his take his kingdom into the darkest corners of this world.

1:9-10 - I think these are great goals to live you life by. These are a couple of verse that throw down some great goals for any Christian to aspire towards. Be filled with God's knowledge and wisdom...that's a good thing. To walk in a manner worthy of Jesus...another good goal. To bear fruit in everything we do...again, this is good stuff. This is who I want to be - how about you?

1:15-20 - He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Enough said - WOW! You ever want to introduce somebody to who Jesus is...take them to Colossians 1. Beautiful!

1:21-22 - We were at war with God. We were the rebellious dissenters who destroyed His kingdom and turned our backs on Him. And He sent Jesus (who contained the fullness of God, see v.19) to give his life for our debt. His sacrifice bridged the gap...ended the war...made it possible that we could come into the presence of God holy and blameless. Is that not incredible? Holy and blameless would be some of the last words I would use to describe myself, but that is what I am through the blood of the God/man Jesus Christ. Praise the lord!

1:24ff - Youth ministry can be brutal and disappointing...there are times when it is really hard...there are times when it is utterly heart-breaking. Can I rejoice in those sufferings for the students' sake. I must not forsake my calling...I do this not for a paycheck or because I like to feel important in the church, but so that I can present mature youth believers from our youth ministry to this world. I fight this fight so that I can send world-changing warriors of God into the front lines of the spiritual battle that is raging across this fallen world.

Philippians Chapter 4 - September 30, 2008

Guess who's back? Sorry.

4:5 - Do not worry, meaning - do not show a lack of trust in God by getting all worked up over things you cannot control. Instead, turn to God, talk to God, trust in God - replace your worries over things you cannot control by trusting the God who is in control.

4:7 - How does peace guard your heart? What are your thoughts?

4:8 - The key to a mind of purity, is to stay focused on good/godly things. Full your thoughts with things that are right and true and honorable and positive, and force the bad out. This is how we start to take captive our thoughts...this is how we begin to make our minds obedient to Jesus Christ. It's not easy. It takes a concerted effort on your part day in and day must fight for control of your mind, by filtering what comes in.

4:11 - A very hard lesson to learn and live by.

4:13 - One of the all-time most inappropriately used verses. I have heard this voice used to motivate someone who was about to max out on bench press! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so I'm going to try to bench this 600lb. bar! I don't think that is the picture Paul is painting for us here. He is saying that with God we can get through anything. Maybe a better way to word the verse for us is, "I can deal with anything on this earth through Christ who strengthens me." Good or bad the secret of being content is to be God-centered. I also like that Paul talks about how he has learned how to face plenty - isn't that funny? Plenty isn't a problem is it? Look around fellow plenty a problem. When we have too much or enough - we tend to forget about God and fell like we are doing fine on our own. So Paul learned that even when he has everything he needs and more - he can stay content through a continued focus on God. Good advice for us.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Philippians Chapter 3 - September 25, 2008

3:2ff - There are those who mutilate/destroy the flesh through violence...through unhealthy obsession...through self-hatred...through cruel judgement, but in reality the flesh is meaningless. The spiritual aspect of our existence is what is important...the flesh is passing away and of little consequence. But I also believe that when you live confidently through the Spirit of God, you will have a healthier physical too...when you remove stress and live out the joy of the Lord - life is better.

3:8 - In comparison to Christ everything else is dull - a waste - a loss. Question: If our faith isn't costing us it really faith?

3:10 - I would like to hear comments on this...what is the power of the resurrection? What kind of power does the resurrection of Christ bring tot he table?

3:11 - Faith described here carries with it this idea of continually fighting and continually growing and changing that seems to fly in the face of the once saved always saved doctrine. Thoughts?

3:13 - Mature believers live not for this world, but for the world to come. Like a child always focused on the new - the future...never looking back with regret. Can I do that? Can I brush off the weight of this world and look to the world beyond?

3:19 - Think of what we allow ourselves to be controlled by! Think about it. Our bellies. Our appetites. Our loins. Our selfishness. These things are pieces of blood and flesh and ego...there has to be more to this life...there has to be. There has to be a higher calling.

3:20 - "But our citizenship is in heaven..." - is that a hard concept for you to accept? Why?

3:21 - Jesus Christ as an answer for 3:19, "there has to be more than this," offers us the power to make the body and mind ours subjects instead of our slave masters. Jesus, I want in... I want on board!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Philippians Chapter 2 - September 24, 2008

2:1 - I like how Paul starts that out, 'If there is encouragement." It's like an uber guilt trip. If you have ever been encouraged by God or received any blessing from God or been strengthened by His Spirit - GO LIVE FOR HIM! God has given us everything we have...God has given us a purpose for existence...a mission to live out...a hope for the future - maybe because of that we can come together as His people and live for Him.

2:7 - Jesus is God. When he was walking around on earth he was God, yet he still took a position of extreme humility and made himself nothing. We often do the opposite and try to make our "nothing" selves into gods.

2:12,13 - Discipleship may begin at belief, but it does not stop at belief. Belief is worked out, struggled out and fought for with fear of God's perfection in comparison to our own imperfection. Not to save ourselves - but because belief demands action and the holiness of God demands humble service.

2:17 - Drink offerings in the OT were additional offerings that were poured out on top of another offering that had already been made. Paul is saying that he is willing to sacrifice even more than he already had. He has risked much to take the Gospel to the people of Philippi and he wanted to know that if he was killed...his death would serve as an additional sacrifice that would bring join to the Philippians. Joy because they knew he was with Jesus and joy because their faith (that Paul had given much to build up) had stayed strong and continued to grow. I love that Paul looks at his life as a tool for the glory of God and not a vehicle for his own enjoyment.

2:19ff - Timothy rocks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Philippians Chapter 1 - September 23, 2008

*You could spend days on this one is so rich! I'm gonna put some of my highlights, you put yours and we'll hopefully do chapter 1 justice.

1:3-5 - Every day he is praying for his brothers and sisters in Christ and he is excited about praying for them...he is passionate about covering God's people in prayer. Is that my prayer life? Or am I too busy praying for myself?

1:6 - God did not start His work in my life (Changing my heart and attitude, saving me, building up my faith, etc) just to leave me hanging. God finishes what He begins and He will be faithful to complete the good work He has started in you and me. When we are going through times of struggle, we have to cling to the fact that God has not left us behind...He has not quit on us. He will finish what He started, so we need to do the same. Finish the race...stay in Him.

1:13 - Through his trials Paul sees God at work in the bigger picture. It is amazing what we can see when we take our eyes off ourselves.

1:14 - When we live boldly, we inspire other Christians to live boldly.

1:18 - Paul's grace in I look at other churches and ministers critically and judgementally, or with an understanding that even in their imperfection when Christ is preached it is a good thing?

1:21-24 - He longs for heaven, but he is ready and willing to stay behind and live to encourage his brothers and sisters in Christ. I would say that most human beings cling to life like this is what it is all about...we often act like life is all that matters and we live like there is no tomorrow, serving ourselves. Pretty stark contrast from the aspirations of Paul who willingly lives only to turn people towards Christ and who longs for the day when his life is over and he can return home to his Father.

1:27 - Whether our prayers are answered positively or negatively...nothing should change about our faith.

1:29 - A clear sign of our faith in Christ and the power and victory we receive through him, is that we willingly suffer with him and for him.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Luke Chapter 24 - September 22, 2008

*We will kick off Philippians tomorrow.

5: "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" This verse jumped out at me. The angels throw a little sass in the faces of these women...what are you looking for? Didn't you listen to Jesus when he said he was going to die and rise again? He isn't dead - you'll find nothing here. It seems to me that we humans have this crazy compulsion to look for life in places of death. How many times have I ignored the teaching of my master and turned to the world for fulfillment, finding only emptiness? I see generation after generation of high school students that leave behind the message of Jesus, the truth, to chase after lies. Why do we seek life among the dead?

27: Jesus explains to them how he fulfills prophecy from the is pretty amazing - over 300 prophecies fulfilled. The statistics for that happening by coincidence are basically impossible. You can check them out at Enjoy.

49: Jesus tells them to wait. Don't go off half-cocked and emotionally charged. We shouldn't go into anything huge without prayer. He tells his disciples to wait for the power to descend on them and boy does it! This segues into beginning of Acts when they are praying and waiting and the Holy Spirit descends on them. This is really good advice for us too - cover everything you do in prayer and open yourself to the guiding of the Spirit.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Luke Chapter 23 - September 12, 2008

23:3 - We have seen throughout the gospels, that Jesus can destroy anybody in an argument, yet when he is on trial he refuses to defend himself. This is just another example of Jesus forsaking his wisdom and power because of his great love for us. He could easily have defended himself and won his freedom, but instead he stayed his tongue and willingly headed to the cross. I hope in this life that I can follow in the footsteps of my master and willingly humble myself for the good of His kingdom.

23:12 - I think they became friends because they were both agreed that the charges of the Jewish religious leaders were ridiculous. Their point of unity was the absurdity of the prosecution...this is just more evidence of the innocence of Jesus.

23:39 - The thief on the cross shows us the characteristics of a true believer. A: He believes so strongly that he is willing to defend the name of Jesus. B: He fully understands his guilt and Jesus' innocence. C: He faithfully understands that even in death Jesus is the only one who has the power to save him. I never thought I would say this, but I aspire to e a thief...this thief anyway.

23:49 - Anybody else notice that the women are the only disciples of Jesus left? There is power in the quiet, unmovable faith of a godly woman. 

23:50 - Another man to emulate from this passage (besides Jesus, of course) is Joseph. I want to be described like him in my life - good, righteous, goes against the crowd, seeks the kingdom of God, and honors and respects Jesus.   

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Luke Chapter 22 - September 11, 2008

*Because the eye of the storm is bearing down upon us...I almost didn't write this blog today. But Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist - I will attack you with the north." And that is the principle I live my life here it is...

22:3 - Remember the parable that Jesus told about cleaning out your house and not finding a strong man to guard it...the hooligans will come back with friends and take over your new clean house? Remember that? I think Judas is an example of this. He had cleaned out his house...he was walking in the way of Jesus...he was a disciple, but maybe he never really invited Jesus in. Maybe those doubts and fears and questions came back as Jesus started talking about leaving and dying, leaving Judas open to Satanic possession. We must remember that we cannot fight the evil one through our own power...we must rely on the strength of God and invite Him to clean us and dwell within us.

22:45 - As Jesus' modern day disciples, we cannot allow ourselves to "fall asleep" in this life. We cannot let our guard down...every day we are surrounded by temptation and desperation and failure and we must be ready. The disciples did not heed Jesus' warnings to pray and they scattered like dust in the wind when Jesus was arrested.

22:52 - We need to make sure we walk in places of light...make sure your life is a quest to walk into the light and not a descent into dark places that will feed our desires.

22:61 - Imagine that look. Peter looks up after he has denied his master three times and sees Jesus staring back at him. I want to live my life to stay away from that look. How many times has he looked on me in disappointment? How many time have bitterly wept in failure?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Luke Chapter 21 - September 10, 2008

21:4 - While I consider myself rich by worldwide standards - there are many times when I feel poor with regards to my readiness to be a ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We've probably all been there - I'm not good enough, holy enough, smart enough, prepared enough, etc. The poor widow encourage me to give everything out of the poverty of my character and righteousness and let the power and grace of God make that enough. God can take my pitiful offerings of ministry and use them to do great things through His power, like the 5 loaves and 2 fish.

21:12ff - Persecution at its most intense is the ultimate catalyst for powerful witness and testimony. When is the gospel more powerful and real than when it is lived out faithfully in the face of extreme hatred and persecution? Never. I think one of the problems we have with Christian burn-out in the States, is that lack of persecution and challenge leads to stale Christianity. It is so easy to be a "christian-by-name" here that you don't even have to rely on God - that is dangerous.

21:14 - Very don't have to know all the answers...Jesus will give you the words that you need, when you need step out in faith and live boldly.

21:32 - One of the hardest and most confusing verses around (F.Y.I. all the people he was addressing are dead and Jesus hasn't come back yet). Does this mean Jesus was wrong? No. I believe that when he references "this generation" he is actually continuing to talk about the future generation that he brings up in verse 25 (go read it again). He is saying that all the end times stuff will happen before that generation passes, so through the course of one human generation. When will that be? Don't know, but you should live like it's tomorrow.

21:36 - WAKE UP! Be on the lookout...don't get sidetracked by the things of this like this is your last day on earth, because it could be.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Luke Chapter 20 - September 9, 2008

20:8 - Jesus refused to answer their question that was really a trap, because they refused to answer his trap question. They came to argue with the sole purpose of destroying his credibility and bringing him down...there was no way to change their heart on any issue, so Jesus ended the conversation. We need to remember the wisdom of walking away from a useless argument.

20:16-17 - They understood exactly what Jesus was talking about in the story and they react with, "Surely not!" Meaning - surely our leadership will no be so corrupt and disobedient to bring about the destruction of Israel. But the master sent his son to make things right with the tenants and the tenants killed him - just like in the story. They brought destruction on themselves.

20:17ff - There is an old Jewish midrash (commentary) on Esther 3:6 that applies here..."If the stone falls on the pot, alas for the pot. If the pot falls on the stone, alas for the pot." This is a parallel to what Jesus is saying. Basically, woe to anyone who stands in opposition to God. If you attack the rock that is Jesus Christ you will be broken...and if you ignore the rock that is Jesus, you will be crushed. Don't stand in opposition tot he Son of God.

20:27 - They don't even believe in the resurrection, but they are so bent on destroying Jesus that they make up some absurd hypothetical question about the resurrection. Jesus answers them anyway, because even though they come out of malice, he sees an opportunity to point people to the true nature of God. We must always keep our eyes open for opportunities to point others towards God (Even annoying, hateful others).

20:47 - Serious warning to those who like to "play church" or pretend to be godly and holy when they only seek their own selfish gain. I for one would like to miss out on the greater condemnation part! Let's be others and live humbly.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Luke Chapter 19 - September 8, 2008

19:8 - Zacchaeus' faith immediately became evident through action. Do I live my life in the same way? Is my faith evident through my words and actions? Is my belief real enough to cause action?

Ten Minas - Jesus uses this parable to reference the future after the cross. He is the nobleman, going to another place to receive his kingdom. There are people that despised Jesus...they didn't buy in to him or his message and they were happy to see him die on the cross (religious leaders - they were probably even praying to God to condemn Jesus, because they hated him...strangely enough God allowed Jesus to be condemned because he loved them - ironic). The people that were followers of Christ were going to react in different ways. Some would take his message and the spirit within them and build upon Jesus kingdom...because they bought in...they trusted him...they loved him. Other servants do nothing with his truth - these are no real servants because it means they do not truly follow their king. They are servants out of convenience and do nothing to build on his kingdom. Justice will be swift when everything is made
right. To those who worked to build the kingdom and act on their beliefs - infinitely more will be given. Those who pretended to be followers of Christ and did nothing with his gifts, will be known as wicked wastrels. Those who always rejected Jesus - will receive rejection from the judge and ruler Jesus. Who are we?

19:26 - There must have been hundreds or thousand of people following Jesus at this time because they covered the entire road with their cloaks. It must have been beautiful to see...thousands praising the son of God and cheering him into the city. Unfortunately, Jesus knew that very few of these people would stick with him through the end. They wanted a conquering king, not a sacrificial lamb. We never learn our lessons...look at the crusades and inquisition and the middle east, look at what happens when religion is used to rule a country. The power of the way of Jesus does not work in the political realm, because the power of the way of Jesus is in self-sacrifice and humility. That is how Christians are going to change the world...through sacrificial living...through unconditional love...through humble service.

19:41ff - Jesus weeps because so few of God's people turn out to support their Messiah. He says, "If you had only known what it truly takes to make peace in this world!" See, they believe that their Messiah was going to be a bringer of war...someone who would crush their enemies through force. Jesus walked the path he walked because the peace that we needed could only be bought through his death.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Luke Chapter 18 - September 5, 2008

18:8 - What a great challenge for us! When Jesus returns will he find people of faith? Will there be a legacy of believers that have been left behind by my generation and the generations to come. The responsibility is ours. I want to make sure there is faith, true faith, on earth when Jesus returns.

18:13 - We have to remember that the only thing we have to boast about is God's great mercy. The Pharisee probably believer that God was lucky to have him on His side...the dishonest tax collector understood that the mercy of God was the only truly good thing about his life. Which camp do we fall into?

18:17 - How does a child approach life - with innocence, joy and total trust in his protectors. To receive the kingdom of God we must seek innocence...see the joy and blessings poured out on us every day...and trust completely in God.

18:24 - I covered this in my blog over Matthew chapter 19.

18:34 - The disciples were clueless to the importance of what Jesus was saying. In our own discipleship journey, I think there are times when we forget or ignore the power of Jesus sacrifice. We allow ourselves to get blinded by our own misconceptions of importance and preoccupations with meaninglessness and we forget just how necessary and life-changing his death is for our life.

18:39 - Even when he is being rejected and persecuted by the people around him, he continues to cry out to Jesus because he knows that Jesus offers the only path to healing and life. This blind man is a great example for us to follow. I hope that I can be a man who chases after Christ regardless of how I am perceived by my peers.