Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Proverbs Chapters 28-31

28:1 - When I read this verse and see that the righteous are "bold as lions," I wonder at the lack of boldness in my own life. How do I so easily convince myself to keep quiet about the faith, "so I don't make anybody uncomfortable (especially myself)" or "step on any toes?" Do I truly accept the righteousness that has come to me through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Do I live that out? Do I really believe what I say I believe? Because if I do, then I should be unashamed and bold with my faith...not annoying, bible-thumping, better-than-you bold - but bold with truth and love.

28:13 - It is beneficial to our lives for us to be truly be willing to understand our own faults and confess those to others. As we confess our sins and failures to people we trust, we lay the groundwork for accountability and assistance in forsaking sin in the future.

28:23 - We have talked alot throughout the book of Proverbs about the importance of being about to accept rebukes out of love, but it is also important for Christians to be bold enough to rebuke the ones they love. If we are truly going to be friends and keep the best interest of our loved ones in mind, we will speak the tough truth when the situation demands it...even if it isn't fun (It almost never is!).

29:1 - Stubbornness does not usually end well...see the problem with holding your ground, stiffening up and pushing back against everything anybody says in the belief that you are the first person on earth to be constantly right about that you will eventually be broken - it is the only way for the stubborn to fall.

29:11 - This verse reminds me of the "dust" man Paul describes in I Corinthians chapter 15. Only fools let their dust/sinful/fallen human nature run wild in their lives. It is wise to seek to subdue the dust man, so that the spirit man within us can thrive.

29:25 - When we spend our lives consumed by fear of what other people could think or say or do...we allow them to ensnare us in a trap. Fears about things we cannot control freeze us in our place and keep us from being about the Lord's business. Don't let other peoples' choices determine who God is calling you to be.

30:4 - Agur asks rhetorically - "Who has done these things? Who has gone into heaven and come down to show us how the world works?" Well, Jesus did that. Jesus literally came to earth as God made flesh. He lived out the wisdom of the Lord in human form and showed us exactly what humanity is supposed to look like. He showed us the path to walk and gave us hope for the future.

30:8 - We are given some great steps for living a godly life: be honest (with yourself and others), live moderately and take only what you need. Too often lies and selfishness drive us away from the way of God and turn us into ungracious jerks.

30:18-20 - What are the weird animal references all about? Well, the eagle is at home in the air...the snake is at home on the rock and the ship is at home on the sea. The snake doesn't try to fly in the air...the eagle cannot survive in the sea...the ship isn't too effective on land. Each of these things has its natural place, just as sex belongs only in the union of marriage. Allowing it to take place outside of marriage (a.k.a. adultery) is unnatural.

30:24-28 - How about these weird example - what do they mean? Ants are so tiny and insignificant, but they plan for the future...badgers may not be the most powerful creature, but they build their dens where predators cannot get them...locusts have no leader but they work together to wreak havoc on crops...lizards can be picked up by hand they are so tiny, but they live in the palaces of kings. Interestingly enough the book of Proverbs primarily written by a king, comes to a close with an encouragement to people that you don't need a king to prosper if you seek out wisdom as a community.

31:10-31 - What else needs to be said? I love this passage. Every time I read it I am reminded of my sweet, hard-working, patient, awesome wife. Thank you God for bringing a goober like me, a wife who is worth more than any amount of precious gems. For those of you not yet married - Guys: seek out a woman of noble character - she will be the treasure of your life. Gals: seek to be women of noble character and remember, as daughters of the most high God you should not settle for anything less than a man who is truly a selfless servant and a disciple of Jesus Christ.

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