Friday, October 21, 2011

Ezekiel Chapters 43-45

43:2 - When I read this verse I imagine the roar of a huge waterfall...have you ever been near a really large water fall? Think about Niagara Falls with millions of gallons of water pouring over every day. The sound of the waterfall frowns everything else seems to be shaking its is awe inspiring. The presence of the Lord is absolutely overwhelming and majestic.

43:5-6 - The Spirit of the Lord brings Ezekiel into God's presence, which sounds very similar to John's description of entering into the presence of the Lord in Revelation. The Spirit is verse six is also described as a this an OT picture of it the personification of the Spirit as a part f the triune nature of God? Not sure...what do you think?

43:10 - Why have there been such detailed descriptions of the temple over the past few chapters? Because God wants the people to very clearly understand exactly what they are missing out on when they rebel against Him. He wants them to be ashamed of what they have spurned...they have rejected their Creator and a meaningful/satisfied life, for false gods and emptiness. Do you ever think about the things that you are missing out on when you choose to turn from God's way?

44:3 and 9 - These verse and much of this chapter are focused on the extreme holiness of God. Wherever the Lord passes is holy ground, so the gate is barred from human use. The presence of the Lord is holy and the Israelites are a holy nation of priests, so anyone non-Israelite is not allowed to enter into the sanctuary of God. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, changed everything on the cross. The walls and gates that kept us separated from God where torn down and all men were given access to the presence of Gd should they choose to enter. By his death, Jesus circumcised the sin from the lives of all humankind and so all men and women have the option to enter into the holy presence of God. Thank you Jesus!

44:18 - No sweat...hahaha...I like this Ezekiel guy!

44:28 - When we learn that all we need is God, we learn the most valuable lesson in all of existence. We were custom made by and for God, and everything we seek out to satisfy us other than Him will always be a let down. In fact, all the problems of the world stem from the fact that we insist on chasing after things that are not God. When are we going to get it through our thick skulls that God is the inheritance we long for...Gd is the only filling to the emptiness within us.

45:8 - A major part of the sinfulness of the Israelite people that kept leading them into exile, was corrupt leadership. Godly leadership does not take advantage of its position. Godly leaders are as much servants as they are masters. They do not oppress, they offer hope and freedom.

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