Monday, November 7, 2011

Daniel Chapters 10-12

10:5ff - Daniel comes face to face with the vision of an angelic being - some have guessed over the years that this may be the angel Gabriel who is often used by God to deliver messages to people, but there is no clear evidence in this passage to make a strong case for naming him. What is clear is that this is a being of great power.

10:7ff - It is interesting that Daniel's friends cannot see the angel, yet they know that they are in the presence of a great source of power...they go running in fear, though they can see nothing. I think it is possible that this face to face meeting is more than just a dream-like vision. I think Daniel may be getting access to the world behind the veil...he is most likely looking into the spiritual realm that exists around all of us all the time. He can see the reality of what is going on that we are so often ignorant of.

10:13 - Though some have tried to make the case that this powerful being is God, I do not think that is the case because the being says that it needed help from another angel, Michael, to be able to get through to Daniel. I promise you, God is infinitely more powerful than any of His created beings. We get the picture here of angelic and demonic warfare. The angels have been trying to get through the Daniel to give him a message, but evil forces of the prince of Persia have held them at bay. Finally with the help of Michael, the chief warrior angel, the messenger is able to break through and approach Daniel. Makes me wonder what kind of spiritual warfare is going on around all of us all the time. Never forget that prayer is not just about asking for things you want...prayer is one of the most powerful weapons you have in the face of the spiritual war that is constantly raging in our midst.

Chapter 11 - I do not have the time to write this all out in detail, but this is an amazing example of biblical prophecy that can absolutely be backed up by secular history. Written years and years before any of it happens, Daniel is able to chronicle the fall of the Persian Empire that had just come to power, the rise of Alexander the Great and his quick demise, the splitting of Alexanders great kingdom into four parts and the intrigue and warfare that take place after that transition. It is amazing how detailed and perfect the account is. The greatest of the four that was mentioned previously in Daniel is the ruler Antiochus Epiphanies who did his best to eradicate traditional Judaism. The one thing that is unclear about the prophecy in chapter 11 is how it seems to switch gears in verse 36. Though the prophecy has clearly been about Antiochus in the previous verses, it seems to change roles and make reference to a more distant future anti-Christ that will lead the world into chaos before the final judgement of God. It is okay to get to a point where we say that we cannot definitively say what a prophetic passage means, because the mysteries of God are not something that can be perfectly placed within a human create systematic theology. What we know is that the world will continue to be attacked by leaders and followers who display anti-Christ behavior, until the end when God will make everything right.

12:2-3: This is an incredible passage that is the only one from the OT that clearly articulates a double resurrection in the end. A resurrection of both the followers of God and those who refuse4d to humble themselves before Him. The one is resurrected for future hope and glory, and the other is resurrected for judgement and condemnation. I know what side I wanna be on!

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