Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Psalm 32

"Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." The forgiveness of the Lord is truly a blessing. Do you ponder it on a daily basis? Do you allow it to continually shape who you are? Think about the facts: You and I are a corrupt and sinful bunch...all of humanity is. We continually choose to worship ourselves before God. We continually allow pride and selfishness to guide our actions. We love to complain about the evil that exists in the world, but we are the sources of that evil. We have brought the corruption upon ourselves. Yet, the God of love chose to offer His forgiveness to us. He chose to step into the muck and mire of our sinfulness and take the necessary steps to offer us forgiveness. We have curse God since our inception, yet He offers us the blessings of forgiveness! That is an amazing and priceless gift. Let that forgiveness wash over you and transform your life. By the power of God's forgiveness we should be: more gracious, more loving, more service minded, more comfortable in our own skin, more appreciative, and more willing to share that forgiveness with others.

"I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity...and you forgave the iniquity of my sin." King David write this Psalm, and he describes going through something that every one of us has experienced - the crushing weight of guilt. In verses three and four he talks of keeping his sin to himself...he says that it felt like his bones were rotting away, and that he could feel the heavy hand of the Lord upon him. You have been there, right? You have been crushed under the weight of your own sins and immobilized by the burden of guilt those sins heap on you...we all have. Then with nowhere else to turn...with no other options available before him...David throws himself on the mercy of God. He pours out his heart...he holds nothing back...he confesses his sins before the Lord and the relief is instantaneous. God forgives him and the crushing weight is lifted off his soul. This is the power of confession...from shackles to freedom in a moment. Holding your sin inside and trying to keep it secret will eat away at you from the inside. God already knows what we have done and we are only hurting ourselves by pretending that we can keep anything hidden from Him. The only way that we will find forgiveness and begin healing is through confession. Pour out your heart to God...lay you sins at His feet...confess your sins to the people you have wronged...because God is faithful to forgive.

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