Monday, December 10, 2012

Genesis 50, Luke 3, I Corinthians 4, Job 16 and 17

"For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh." - I Corinthians 4:11

Think about what that verse is quite powerful. Paul has made it clear in his writings that we are crucified with believers we become one with his death on the cross. We are being given over to death for Jesus' sake...death to selfishness...death to pride...death to idolatry...death to rebellion against God. The work of the cross made it so that these sins...this flesh nature...that dwells within us like a cancer can be destroyed. The cross destroyed the power of our sinfulness...the cross destroyed the power of when we die to self, we do not have to fear because we experience true life! Not only that, but look at what I Corinthians 4:11 says again...the life of Jesus bursts forth from our flesh! How cool is that? The corruption and sin within us is destroyed, and the life of Jesus emanates from our person.

When God came down to earth as Jesus Christ and crammed Himself into the flesh of a man...He contained Himself for a short time...He was a man...He was a Jewish carpenter/rabbi living in the 1st century Romans empire. How could one man convert could one man disciple could one man interact with every person that ever lived? He couldn't...not as a man...but that was all part of God's plan. Through the death of Jesus on the cross - the perfect sacrifice that was made for every human sin past or future - we gained the ability to become became possible that ever believer is the manifestation of Jesus. So in me - Jesus is manifested as a 34-year old youth minister in Spring, TX. Shining out of my wife's life, he is a much ER nurse in The Woodlands and mother of four. Does that make sense? God is doing His ministry through us? Every man, woman and child...takes all of their unique experiences...their unique situations in life and they bring them to the table for Jesus sake when they become Christians. We've got work to do! There has only been one of you all the history of the universe and are the only you. And if you choose to place your faith in can reflect Jesus into this world in a way that no one else ever has! God's plan is incredible...God's plan has a role for the world what Jesus looks like bursting forth from your life!

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