Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Psalm 27

Verse 1 - So many things in this world cause me to worry...cause me to fear. I fear confrontation...I fear the future...I fear what other people think about me...I fear failure...I fear. BUT God is my light...God is my salvation...He loves me...He created me...He gave Himself for me...what is there to fear? Why would anything else matter? Why would any of those meaningless things stop me in my tracks, when that is the reality that I live within. God is my salvation!!! What else matters. Someone doesn't like me? Well, God is my salvation. I don't know what the future holds? Well, God is my salvation! I must let that truth define me and shape the man that I am and the way that I react to the things of this world.

Verse 11 - This verse lays out exactly what I want for my life, and what I think God wants for my life. I want to know the way of the Lord to the very core of my being. I want to walk the level path. I do not want to walk the uneven, wish-washy, frail, broken, fence-sitting, back and forth path of humanity. I have walked it too often before and it has left me broken and guilt ridden. I want to walk the level path - the path that guides me in the way of the Lord. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...I want to be the same way. I want to be the same man when I am alone that I am when I am at church. I want to be a man of godly character at all times. And God, I need your help in doing that.

Verse 13 - Do I really believe this? Do you? Do you believe that God is at work, right here, right now, in the land of the living? Do you believe it? So many Christians see the brokenness of this world and they live for another day. They live for an eternal future with God. That is all well and good, and that is something to look forward to...but do not look forward to it and forsake the way that God is working in the here and now. God is at work. We should be living to join God in the work that He is doing the redemption that He is the way that He is bringing heaven to earth, bit by bit, life by life. Do not forget the good that is coming to life, like a fresh green shoot bursting from a midden heap! God is at work!

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