Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Peter Chapter 1 - Decmeber 2, 2008

1:3-4 - Contrast the inheritance that God offers to what the world has to offer - material things are finite, defiled and perishable...pretty big difference.

1:6ff - Our future inheritance is so insanely incredible, that we rejoice in that future...that hope. We rejoice and remain faithful even in the face of trials and persecution, and when we do that our faith stands as a testimony to the awesomeness of Jesus Christ. When we stay faithful through hard times, our lives become instruments of praising God and leading others to Him.

1:8 - This is great picture of what the Christian life should look like: even though we cannot see Jesus, you believe in Him and have this inner strength and joy that is unexplainable. That's what we should look like. Is your life filled with inexpressible joy? What's wrong?

1:15 - Christian, if you carry the name of Christ...live a holy life. Let the old life that was controlled by twisted sinful passions die and begin to live a set apart - different - Christ-like kind of life. That's what we're supposed to be doing. When you fail, rely on the grace of God and keep moving towards holiness. You will never get there in this life, but that is the goal - holiness.

1:18-19 - You were not left to die in captivity, you were ransomed at the highest price ever paid. You were paid for by the blood of God. That is how much you are worth to God. Never forget that.

1:22-23 - Another picture of what a Christian should look like. It says if you are born again - if you are really a Christian - you will love each other without motive (Not to get something or because you are supposed to, etc.)...you will love out of a pure heart. Love for the sake of love. Love because God is love.


Anonymous said...

What took you so long to get to 1Peter?

I love how Peter explains our faith as a living hope. You don't become a Christian and then nothing changes, it is a living experience full of change and wonder. Unfortunately we sometimes have to go with crap and Peter reminds us that we should use those moments to grow in our life with Christ.

I also like how he talks of the prophets writing about Christ and how it was revealed to them that they were serving us. We should take that same attitude that we are serving future generations and live accordingly.

Peter does an awesome job describing how precious the gift is that gives us salvation. Our grace is imprishable - lasts forever, just like the living and enduring word of God. We are part of something eternal. Pretty Cool.

James said...

Msg 8-9 - You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don't see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you'll get what you're looking forward to: total salvation.

Total salvation – I love that. That is what I pray that I share with others. This ain’t some kinda joke – this Jesus is the only total that will count in the end.

One stop faith – in Him alone – very cool indeed.
