Monday, December 1, 2008

James Chapter 4 and 5 - December 1, 2008

4:1 - The cause of chaos and fighting in the world is simple...we allow our twisted human passions to control us. We see something that somebody else has and we want it - so we take it, or do whatever it takes to get one. We covet the social status of another so we do whatever it takes to bring them down or raise ourselves up. We claw and fight and scratch to make ourselves happy with the things of this world, when we need to turn to our heavenly father for fulfillment.

4:7 - When people exalt themselves, they draw near to Satan (Satan was the original self-exalter). When we humble ourselves we draw near to God.

4:11 - This is hugely important for me to remember in my own arrogance... don't judge or feel jealousy about other ministers or ministries. I must leave the judgement to God and rejoice in the victories of my fellow workers in Christ.

4:16 - Waking up everyday and assuming that you will have an infinite number of future days with which to work your plans is sinful arrogance. Every day is a precious gift...every hour...and we must live with that kind of humility.

5:1ff - Whoa! Talk about some intense wording! The rich have made money their god - they have sold their soul to it...some are willing to sacrifice their families to the god of money (And we scoff at the OT pagans who sacrificed babies, arrogantly assuming that no modern person would sacrifice loved ones for an idol...hmmm). The rich who have served money will weep and howl when they see the meaninglessness of their life's pursuits in the end...I really don't want to be in that crowd.

5:7ff - It seems like the righteous are wondering why the rich and powerful seem to have better lives. Be patient. Look to the prophets. Men that were mocked and persecuted who were eventually vindicated. We have a victorious future ahead of us, just finish the race.

5:12 - I want to live the kind of life and have the kind of character, where my words are always taken at face value.

5:13ff - Pray in everything...good, bad, sick, healthy, strength, weakness...everything. Prayer is powerful when prayed by a believer who has faith in God.

5:19ff - You cannot stray too far from the love of God. Nobody can. We as Christians are called to bring back the lost and rebellious, not to drive them away with our arrogant judgements.

1 comment:

James said...

Msg - Jas 5:19 My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God's truth, don't write them off. Go after them.

Maybe we should give up on people even though that is the easy thing to do.

That was the only comment I had until I read your post – check out the Msg for 1-3 - And a final word to you arrogant rich: Take some lessons in lament. You'll need buckets for the tears when the crash comes upon you. Your money is corrupt and your fine clothes stink. Your greedy luxuries are a cancer in your gut, destroying your life from within. You thought you were piling up wealth. What you've piled up is judgment.

And vs 5 - You've looted the earth and lived it up. But all you'll have to show for it is a fatter than usual corpse.

Too bad most will never believe this – but then again – that’s why God inspired James to write what we know as verse 19.

Never give up – He is worth it.
