Philadelphia - The only other church beside Smyrna that receives no negative comments from Jesus. The people in this church are described as weak y the world's standards, yet the world around them is unable to slam the door to hope and life that God has opened for them in their face. Thy are holding fast to their faith even in the midst of persecution and hatred. Christian must remember the unconquerable nature o God and put their trust only in Him...then they can face anything.
Laodecia - These people are absolutely nothing. They are not on fire for God and they don't even have the guts to reject Gd outright. They simply exist and by simply existing they are denying the reason for which they were made - they choose nothingness. What people need to understand is that just existing and just getting by are examples of rebellion against God. That is not the life that God has called us to. Read through verse are there people in our culture that need to hear this - man do I need to hear this when I'm feeling covetous about material things. Verse 20 - there is hope...God is knocking on the door of the broken and the lukewarm of the world asking them to let Him in - e is beautifully relentless.