Tuesday, March 3, 2009

John Chapter 21 - March 3, 2009

21:3 - Peter decides to go fishing - why? Maybe because fishing is what he knows...he is confused about what has been going on, with Jesus reappearing after death and he needs some time to get out on the water and seek peace in the fishing. But I feel like maybe he feels so guilty after his denial of Jesus that he figures he has no place in God's kingdom and he has decided to go back to his old job. We will soon see that God makes use of the broken and sinful...God uses the least to do the greatest...God brings men who have rejected Him back into His kingdom to change the world.

21:7 - I love Peter's passion. He knows it is time to act. Before when he was asked about being a follower of Jesus he allowed his fears to let him deny Christ...now he knows that the time for being controlled by fear is over...the time has come to act on his beliefs and follow Christ without hesitation. Is that where you are? Is that where I am?

21:15-19 - Three times Peter denied Jesus and three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves them...Jesus wants to drive home the point that it is time to move on. Peter has now confirmed his love for Jesus as many times as he denied him. Jesus wants to make sure that Peter understands it is over...leave the guilt behind and move forward in your mission. Something all of us need to hear sometimes.

21:18 - Jesus is calling Peter to follow him to the cross. Peter will also die by crucifixion.

21:21 - Peter knows that he is following Jesus down a hard road...a road of sacrifice and he wants to know, "(Whiny voice) What about him? What is going to happen to John? I have all this responsibility and danger ahead - what is John going to do?" Jesus answers by saying that it shouldn't matter what is going on with John...even if I keep him alive until I return, what does it matter to you...I have a mission for you, that is specific to you - so forget about him and handle your business. I think sometimes we get caught up in worrying about what other people are doing for God's kingdom and what their gifts are and how they are fulfilling their mission from God, when we need to focus on what God is calling us towards.

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