Monday, March 2, 2009

John Chapter 20 - March 2, 2009

20:8 - When it says they believed, it is not talking about them believing that Jesus was alive. They simply believed that he was not in the tomb. Kinda funny when you think about it - "Yep. He's not in the tomb." They were not yet able to understand that Jesus had risen from the dead (An understandably hard concept), which John confirms in verse 9 by saying they did not make the connection of Jesus' rising with scriptural prophecy.

20:17 - Why does Jesus say, "Do not cling to me."? I believe what he is saying to her is this, "Do not cling to the old relationship we had...I am back, but things are not going back to what they were. I didn't rise from the dead to keep leading the disciples around...I am going back into heaven and you guys are going to take up my cross and change the world." I think he was trying to convey something along those lines. He didn't want her holding onto the past because he was about to leave.

20:21 - Why did Jesus come into the world? To save. To serve. To live. To show the way. To make things right. He is sending us to do the same thing. Get to work.

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