Friday, March 30, 2012

I Corinthians 2:6-16

What is the main point of this passage? In this passage, Paul is detailing for us the difference between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom that comes from God. He talks intriguingly of this secret truth that has been around since the beginning of time...a truth that is so life changing...that if the rulers of the world had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus. Thy would not have crucified Jesus, they would have worshipped him...they would have fallen on their faces in sheer awe at the love of God poured out in the form of Jesus Christ. But they were living according to human wisdom. Human wisdom is based on the self...self-preservation...self-satisfaction...doing whatever you have to do to make life for yourself as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, the wisdom of the world is actually a is foolishness. And live by the wisdom of the world in an effort to make our lives better, we actually make them worse...that is the brutal truth of the matter. When men and women choose to listen only to the lies of their flawed human nature a.k.a. "natural wisdom," they are failing to see the bigger picture of what God is doing in the world. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God has been made available to us! The very Spirit that searches the depths of God...that knows God...that is a part of God...that very Spirit is available to guide us and show us the truth about what God is doing in the world. Do you believe that? Do you live with an understanding that you have the eternal Spirit of God at work in you? The Spirit of the secret to true wisdom...the Spirit is our guide in finding true life!

What spoke most deeply to you about this passage? Well, the whole thing is blowing my mind...I am just mulling it over and over in my head. The actual Spirit of God...the part of God that delves deep into His innermost parts...that Spirit is at work in me! Wow! The very Spirit of God is giving us insight into the nature of God, the world of God, the workings of God in this world that we would never be able to see without Him. That Spirit is available to us every moment of every day, but Paul is also clear that there is still a battle raging within us. There are some who choose to ignore the infinitely amazing Spirit of God and instead listen to the natural corrupted "wisdom" within us (I know, because I too often listen to this tainted "wisdom."). How foolish can we be? We have the infinite secrets of all existence at our disposal and we want to wallow in the flawed and the finite...uhhhggg! The final line of the passage has burned itself into my mind and I ant to work very day to make this a reality in my life - "But we have the mind of Christ." That is what I want. Everything about Jesus draws me in...intrigues me...blows my mind...excites me...and I want to be as much like him as possible. I want to bring heaven crashing to earth through my words and actions like he did...I want to live as a sacrificial servant...I want to have the mind of Christ. And it is available to us...the Spirit of God is the mind of Christ...the Spirit that has been one with the Triune God since before there was time. To have the mind of Christ, or at least a mind that is becoming more and more like Christ's every day...I must ignore the selfish protestations of the spirit of man and wholly give myself over to the Spirit of God. God, please help me to do that today!

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