Monday, April 23, 2012

Acts 1:1-11

In the beginning of the book of Acts, we get some insight into the time that Jesus spent on earth after he rose from the grave and we witness the birth of the church. We know from this text that Jesus spent forty days with the disciples teaching them about the Kingdom of God. He was giving them the foundation they would need, to continue to be the pioneers of this new Kingdom...a kingdom that was not focused on military or economic power, but a kingdom fueled by devotion to God and humble service. Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he instructs his followers to stay in Jerusalem until they receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit (Which is described in chapter 2).

1:6 - I love the disciples because they remind me so much of myself...of us...they are so human! Jesus spent forty days teaching them about the Kingdom of Heaven and at the end of it...they just want to know when he is going to make Israel a world power again! They have set their sites so low...they have totally missed the point. Jesus is calling them to something so much much more magnificent. They wanted the restoration of Israel. While God was working on the redemption of the world! Do you see a little discrepancy there. That is like having a cold, dirt covered hot dog you found on the ground, instead of a perfectly seasoned Filet Mignon cooked medium rare right off the grill (Mmmmmm!). I think we do this too...we often pray timid prayers and set the bar too low on what God has called us to do with our lives. We set our sites on being "good," when we should be setting our sites on joining God in the incredible, miraculous, mind-blowing, mercy-filled, powerful work that He is doing in the world. Don't sell yourself are a totally unique person who God has created to do a ministry that really only you can do! And don't sell God short...He infinitely more than able to provide you with the strength and wisdom you need to live boldly in your faith.

1:8 - Where is my focus? How about you - where is your focus? Are we caught up in the minutia of our daily existences? Are we focused almost totally on our own comfort...our own success...our own happiness? Are we focused only on our congregation...on our church...on how it makes us feel...on experiencing warm fuzzy feeling from being there? I read this verse and I hear the command of Jesus. He does not say, "Hey guys, will you be my witnesses all over the world...I could really use the help?" No, he says, "You WILL be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth." He called them to minister to their communities, to their countries, to their enemies and to the whole world. Basically he is saying that they are the plan...we are the plan. Yes, God is at work powerfully all over the world...yes, the Holy Spirit of God is shaping the hearts and minds of people everywhere...yes, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was for the sins of the whole world...but you and I, we are called to be the witnesses! We are called to be the ones who live our the resurrection...who live out the redemptive work of God for all to see. Are we listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He calls us to go into all the world?

1:11 - Then Jesus is gone. He ascends into heaven. He died. He rose from the grave. He taught them as much as he could in forty days...and then he left. The disciples were totally awestruck - wouldn't you be? Have you ever seen anyone fly off into the heavens? I haven't. They are just standing there, staring into the sky...silent...shocked...confused...scared...amazed. We don't know exactly what is going through their minds, because the text doesn't tell us, but they may have wanted to stay. They may have wanted to hang out wait for Jesus to return. They may have wanted to build a special monument there to celebrate the ascension of delight in the mystery and the power of this inexplicable moment. Well, whatever is going through their minds at that moment...the bubble is burst. Two angels appear before them and ask, "What are you goobers doing staring at the sky? Have you never seen clouds before? Come one, let's get a move have work to do?" And they went. Don't let yourself get so caught up in the big moments of your faith journey - the events, the worship services, the special mission trips - that you forget about the mission that you are called to live out on a daily basis. Don't spend your life staring back at huge events, wishing that you could go back there...the journey with Christ has only just begun...GO! DO! ACT! BE!

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