Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Genesis 19, Nehemiah 8, Matthew and Acts 18

There are so many intriguing portions of these texts, that it was really hard to focus in on one thing that really jumped out at me. Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot's wife. His daughters desperate actions - EWWW! Jesus' teaching on temptation and forgiveness. Nehemiah's creative teaching style. So much good stuff!!!

Yet the passage that really stood out in my mind had to do with Jesus' teaching on the humility and innocence of children. His teaching is just as crucial today as it was 2,000 years ago. Human beings, myself included, constantly fight and scratch to prove their worth...better their opponents...achieve their goals regardless of the cost...most of us are on an unending quest to be The Greatest. Yet, Jesus teaching here flies in the face of everything this world teaches us about greatness and power. Jesus says, "You wanna no what true greatness looks like - look at a little child." Innocent. Trusting. Faithful. Pure. Filled with a sense of wonder and imagination. Believing nothing is impossible. These are the incredible traits of children. I see them all the time in my own kids, and it breaks my heart when I see them start to fade away as my kids get older. Dane has transitioned from saying that God has healed his boo-boos, to understanding the regenerative properties of the human body through kid's anatomy books (don't ask). He is starting to transition from playing for fun to competing to win. The innocence is fading...the human pride is growing...and this happens because he has seen it modeled in me. I want that child-like faith. I want to look around each day in wonder at the miracle of creation. I want to think the best of people. I want to unconditionally trust God. Time to get to work...to work at being my Father's child.

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