Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Genesis 22, Nehemiah 11, Matthew and Acts 21

Unshakable faithfulness stands out to me today. Abraham is told by God to sacrifice his one and only son...the son who is the heir to the huge nation that God has promised will come from Abraham's line...and what does Abe do? Does he scream and argue and beg God to do something else? Does he weep and stall hoping God will change His mind? No. He gets up the next day and he leaves so that he can sacrifice his son. He acts when called on by God. He moves. He trusts that God knows what He is doing. Whether Abraham believes that God will provide another sacrifice, or that God will resurrect his sacrificed son...he believes. He allows his life and actions to be completely shaped by his faith in God!

In the book of Acts we see the same from Paul. Everywhere he goes, prophets and wise church leaders are telling him not to go to Jerusalem. They know that the Jews there have been stirred up against Paul. They know that the Romans are becoming less and less inclined to allow these "trouble making" Christians to cause problems in their empire. They beg Paul to go somewhere else...apparently they start weeping in front of Paul because they feel so strongly that he will be imprisoned or killed. And how does Paul respond? He says, "I will face any imprisonment, pain, suffering and even death for the sake of the Gospel." That is faith!!! That is the answer of a man who trusts God...a man who absolutely believes that God's Will will be done and that there is true life after our deaths in this half-life world. Nothing can stop Paul from living for Christ and preaching to good news, because he knows int he very core of his being that it is all true.

Do you?

Does your life look like the life lived by a person who utterly trusts God?

Are you driven by unshakable faithfulness?

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