Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Psalm 14

14:1 - Only fools say there is no God. Look around! Where did it all come from? There has to be a beginning...there has to be an origin story. There has to be something outside of "survival" driving us to create and love and serve and see beauty...there has to be...these things do not exist in a world with no God. We are walking reflections of God's existence (Albeit very dull reflections most of the time). It is foolishness to deny that God is real.

14:2 - Interesting that the word "understanding" here can be replaced by "acting wisely." True understanding is synonymous with right actions to the psalmist. If you truly understand what is going on with existence...if you see the big picture - you will seek God...you will act...you will acknowledging the glaring truth. That is the only true response for understanding. If you have understanding, you definitely do not run and hide behind foolish/arrogant lies and denial.

14:3-5 - This section describes the fallout of doubting God...of running scared from the truth. Doesn't it look familiar? People all around us live like this (We probably live like this from time to time)! Corruption. Non-good. Self-focus. Evil. Taking advantage of others. Fear. Terror. Hiding behind lies. Mocking others. These are the traits of those who deny God's existence.

14:6 - Read the verse. Do you do this? Would you? Would you shame the poor? Would you take advantage? Would you mock the faithful? God is a refuge - a place of safety, rest and peace - for those who trust in Him. God, let me take refuge in You? Every day. Every moment. God let me ignore the doubts that assail me...the tempting lies of the world that seek to corrupt. God make my heart a place of refuge where you dwell.

14:7 - The salvation that the psalmist talks about did come. That salvation lived as a man. Lived out perfection - showed us what true humanity looks like. That salvation died for the sins of the godless...the doubters...the sinful...the corrupt...the oppressors...the HUMAN RACE! And through that death He restored us...restored our relationship with God...showed us truth. Truth that we will celebrate this weekend on Easter. Jesus is alive! God is real! Life has meaning! There is HOPE! 

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