Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Psalm 24

Verses 1 and 2 - Everything is God's. It really is that simple. He made it all...He sustains it all. I know that we allow ourselves to believe that we are self-made...that what we have is ours...that our intelligence and hard work provided the things we have, but everything in all of creation is God's. Do you believe that? Do you live like that? Do you honor that truth? What would change about the way that you live your life right now if you actually lived like you believed that everything is God's?

Verses 3 and 4 - Who can approach the majesty of God. David tells us in this psalm. Those who can stand in the presence of God are those who: have clean hands (Meaning they are sinless), have pure hearts, have no deceit of falsehood within them. Those are the ones who can approach God on their own. Unfortunately when I look at that list, it appears that no one can approach God! My hands are not clean. My heart is not always pure. I have allowed falsehood and deceit to corrupt my mind from time to time. What about you? Who then can approach the Lord? Keep reading...

Verses 5 and 6 - When we receive salvation and the blessing of righteousness from God...then we can approach Him. We received this salvation, once for all time, through the death of Jesus on the cross. His death makes my hands clean, because he took away my sin. Has crucifixion makes my heart pure because he offered himself as a pure sacrifice. His sacrifice enables us to enter into the presence of God...in fact, his sacrifice makes it so that we can become vessels for the Spirit of God! Seek His face...seek His way...accept the mercy of Jesus and you will be connected to God.

Verses 7 - 10 - I want to encourage you to open the gates of your heart and your mind. So many times we try to shut God out from shaping out inner selves. God could destroy our walls...our defenses...and force His way in, but that is not the way of love. The great and mighty King waits patiently outside the gates wanting you to let Him in. Open your gates! His is a mighty warrior - let Him destroy the inner demons that torment you. He is the glorious King - allow Him to show you your true value! 

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