Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Timothy Chapter 4 - November 6, 2008

4:2 - We must always be ready to share the gospel, defend our faith, hold each other accountable...all through the power of the word of God. We never know when God is going to open a door, so we must remain vigilant and ready - like a trap about to spring - trusting that the Spirit of God will guide us. It is also very important to remember what Paul tags on at the end of the verse, "with complete patience and teaching." We have to be ready to act, but the action needs to come out of grace and love, and not out of a desire to theologically crush another person.

4:5 - Good rules of life. Be sober-minded: don't let your focus get destroyed by anything that will skew your judgement. Endure suffering: if we plan on living for God in this world, the enemy is not going to take that decision lightly. Evangelize: we are supposed to be doing this - period! Evangelism is not just for people "gifted" in talking about God...every one of us as Christians should be looking for opportunities to speak truth into the lives of lost people around us. Fulfill your ministry: do all of the above and you will probably make this happen.

4:7 - It is my goal in life to live in such a way to deserve uttering these words when I know my time is short, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith." We never know when we are going to die, so I must live every day with a simple focus of fighting on, finishing and keeping the faith.

4:14 - Go read 1 Timothy 1:20. I think this could be the same Alexander. They excommunicated him from the church in 1 Timothy, so maybe he decided to wage a personal war against the Christians. Paul usually doesn't talk too much about the physical pain he has endured, so this is probably a reference to the damage that Alexander is doing to work of the Gospel.


James said...

Our goal should always be to “theologically crush another person” – just do it with love.
See also sarcasm.

Msg 3 - You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy.

Sound familiar – again? Funny thing – this was going on back then as well.

NIV - Eccl. 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Think nobody ever went through what you are dealing with? Think again – they just didn’t have iPods and cars. There will always be some new spiritual thing – just watch TV – it will let you know the latest craze.

But if we have the desire, the want, to know God more and we pursue that want / desire – He will provide more than we can ever imagine – “I can imagine quite a bit” (name the movie – anyone? anyone?)


Brand al Thor said...

Han Solo - Star Wars!