Friday, November 14, 2008

Titus Chapter 3 - Novmeber 14, 2008

3:1 - This is a good reminder for Christians on either side of political spectrum. We can disagree and use our vote to do the talking, but when it is all said and done we offer submission and respect to those who have been placed over us.

3:3 - Read verse three there any more reason you need for treating people with grace? Why be gracious...why offer people second chances...why show love to those who are far from God? Because that was once you! That was once me! I was foolish, disobedient, rebellious, sinful, twisted, crazy, stupid....oh wait, I still am many of those things (To a lesser degree by the grace and teachings of God). So be gracious and patient with others as our Father is gracious and patient with us.

3:8 - As Christians, we must insist on the validity of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the grace he offers us! That is crucial to all we the hope we have...and it is the driving force behind anything good we could ever possibly muster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that their is an abudance of the Holy Spirit available for renewing. I imagine I will need a lot more before this body breathes its last breath.

I've mentioned that our IT department has blocked religious sites, but I have manage to find the KJV on the website filed under agnoticism/atheism. Funny isn't it.