Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2 John - January 13, 2009

* This may sound a lot like a summarized version of I John, but we need to set the stage about what is going on for the church at this time. They are under attack. They live in a world that is hostile to their message and they have people from within their own ranks who are destroying unity and the message of Christ. It is a dangerous time for Christianity...something that is hard for us to really understand in the States. Imagine for a moment if you will that you are a leader in a Christian church in Iraq or Afghanistan...where there is violent opposition to your message. What is going to be the focus of your ministry? Probably unity and love within your people...so they have the strength to face persecution day in and day out. That is the message we see from John.

7 - People are going out from the church and spreading a false message...they don't believe that Jesus was literally God's son and they don't believe he is coming back in the flesh (During this time some of the Gnostic's believed that "The Christ" came upon Jesus just as he died...they didn't believe that Jesus was the actual Son of God). Their messages are tearing the church apart from the inside and spreading deception to nonbelievers. What deceptions do you think modern American Christians carry out into the world? (If you love God, you'll get rich; worship of material things; judgemental hypocrisy, etc.)

10-11 - You can look at these verse and use them as ammunition to use against people fro other religions...we can justify slamming the door in the face of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons...but that would be completely misusing this scripture. John is talking about disassociating with Christians who are destroying the message of Christ. This is about creating some accountability in the Christian community. No it is not okay to believe whatever you want and have your own selfish interpretation of Jesus' message. There are absolute truths in Christianity and we must hold one another accountable.

1 comment:

fcawarrior said...

I really like what you said about verses 10-11. I think about that a lot. I often find that many of my friends are kinda changing the scriptures to suit their believes rather than letting God change their views. I know that this is wrong and I know that it greatly hinders their witness along with that of other Christians.