Thursday, May 7, 2009

Revelation Chapter 19 - May 7, 2009

19:7,8 - This tells of the uniting of Jesus with his bride the church. This is the culmination of God's plans. My rebelled, God put His plan to work, Jesus paid the price for our sin and now we can be united with God like we were originally supposed to be. I like how the passage says, "it was granted her to clothe herself," since we all have to understand that we only get to put on righteousness because Jesus has allowed us to...through his death, we are made worthy of being his bride.

19:10 - This jumped out at me, because sometimes I get these things I like to call "theological man crushes" where I almost bow down to incredible Christian communicators that I like. I need to remember that we are all just fellow servants of the most high God. No bowing down to anybody but Him!

19:11-21 - The return of Jesus. He takes a little different approach this time, huh?