Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Revelation Chapter 20 - May 12, 2009

20:1-10 - It is better to be on the side of God any way you look at it. It's better right now for your life...and it is definitely better when the end comes. Make sure you are on the right side of the equation.

20:11 - Some people want to know why God doesn't literally show up and let us see Him. Why don't we get to see God? Well, this verse may answer some of the questions. There is no place for God here, in all His glory and majesty and power. He cannot be contained within the earth and sky. In the end He will bring us into His presence, because there is nothing created that contain the glory of God.

20:12 - The only way it is possible for the book of life to proclaim you as righteous, is if your sins have been erased from the book by the blood of Jesus Christ. If everything we had ever thought or said or did was written on the pages of the book of life, imagine how humiliating and disturbing it would be to hear it all read out loud. Imagine that! We would find out just how broken and sinful we were...we would understand just how far we are from God. Thankfully, the sacrifice of Jesus offers us a righteousness...a cleanness we could never attain on our own.

1 comment:

Matt said...

glad I'm on God's side.