Thursday, August 6, 2009

Genesis Chapters 34-36 - August 6, 2009

34:31 (Whoa! Intense story there!) This is how every Christian young man should view the young women they share this world with - we won't allow anyone to treat or sisters like a prostitute, and we will not treat our sisters like prostitutes! Our sisters in humanity are worthy of honor, and not to be treated like objects to be possessed.

35:2 - How many times does this theme reoccur in the Old Testament, where the people of God are allowing idols from the cultures around them to creep into their lives? This has always been a problem for God's people, and it still is today - isn't it?

36:24 - Out of the midst of a list of names, jumps some extra information about this guy named Anah (It's kinda like an oasis in the desert - it breaks up the monotony). I am out of office this week and away from my study materials, so let's make a game of this...who can tell me why Moses thought it was so important to give us this extra info. about Anah (Moses most likely put the Genesis account together)?

1 comment:

Matt said...

Does it have anything to do with how the people thought the hot springs had magical healing powers, but only for the person who got there quick enough before it started bubbling?

just a wild guess.