Monday, August 17, 2009

Genesis Chapters 49-50 - August 17, 2009

We'll just do two chapters today to close out the book of Genesis.

Chapter 49 - Wow! That was some crazy reading. At first I was reading through the "blessings" that Jacob/Israel was giving to his sons and thinking that they played up favoritism again and were really harsh, but then I started thinking...Jacob was simply speaking truth to his sons. For some of them it was hard truth, but he was seeing the things that their characteristics were going to bring about. He was willing to speak hard truths to his sons and let them understand that their sinful choices had consequences. Does that mean his love for them is gone? No! It simply means that although he loves them, they are going to reap what they sow. Kids today could probably use a little more honesty along these lines. "I love you and I forgive you, but that doesn't change the fallout from your choices."

50:3 - I find it amazing that the Egyptians weep and mourn alongside Joseph even though we know that they have no respect for shepherds like Jacob/Israel. That goes to show how greatly Joseph was loved among the Egyptians and says a lot about his life. Don't we all want to be people they dealt fairly and lovingly with everybody we came in contact with?

50:19ff - After everything the brothers put Joseph through, he is completely content with places his trust in God. He understands that God has redeemed what the brothers meant for evil into something good. Joseph has truly forgiven them and is at peace with his brothers and with the will of God. I hope that you and I can follow his example, understanding that God has got everything under control and we do not need to take vengeance into our own hands.


Matt said...

that is some intense imagery chapter 49 but 49:12 really caught my attention.

Mandy said...

That is very poetic isn't it?

Bekah said...

The story of Joseph has been extremely heavy on my heart lately. I have recently been reminded of Joseph's struggles, and how he didn't deserve any of the crap that his brothers put him through. But nevertheless, He stayed strong. He didn't deny his situation or run with all of his might. He stayed, he was hurt, he was strong, but all of this was within God's plan and God's will. And ALL of it was worked out for GOOD. God is AWESOME... I think I have been forgetting that. Just because things are hard, okay really hard, doesn't mean that God isn't in control. He knows, he sees our tears and feels our hurt.

Brand al Thor said...

Bekah we don't see the pain Joseph felt, but I know he felt it. We don't see the tears he cried in the beginning, but we do see how deeply it affected him when he weeps after reunited with his family. He experienced the same things that you have and probably asked the same questions you have, but in the end he came to know that no matter what God is faithful. I know you know that too.