Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Genesis Chapters 40-42 - August 11, 2009

40:7 - It is really interesting to me that even in prison...even after all the garbage Joseph has gone through - he is concerned for how other people are doing. That speaks really highly of the character God has shaped in him through these trials.

40:8 - His very first inclination is to honor God's name, by giving God all the credit and pointing others towards God.

41:16 - Again, we see that he is always giving glory to God - that is the first thought in his mind and the first words out of his mouth. Think about how much he has matured over the years...he has gone from arrogant boy trying to humiliate his brothers with his superiority, to a humble God-fearing man who seeks only to draw attention to God. The Christian life should look similar to the life of Joseph...as we continue on our journey through good and bad situations on earth, we should always be growing in humility and growing in our focus on God.

41:29 - God weaves the patterns of the seasons of the earth to bring about his plan...to get Joseph into a position of power so that his people will thrive in Egypt and so that they will enter into a time of slavery that sets up the history of the people of God from which Jesus will be born. That is how much God loves you!

41:34 - All the overseeing God did for Potiphar and for the jailer have prepared him for the task that God has called him to as an overseer in Egypt. We see again that God very specifically shaped Joseph to be the man He needed him to be. What is God shaping to to do?

41:38 - How awesome would it be if peoples' initial reaction after meeting you and speaking with you was like this, "The Spirit of God is in this man!" (And Pharaoh was an idolatrous pagan!) What a challenge to try to aim your life towards!

41:52 - Through affliction, suffering, pain, betrayal, confusion, waiting, fear - God brought Joseph so that he would be ready. Through these things God drew Joseph to Him. Through these things God never left his side. Don't forget that when you are going through struggles.

42:5ff - After many, many years the initial prophecy that Joseph made through his dreams to his family is coming true. Sometimes in life we are called to wait on the will of God.

42:21 - His brothers must have been wracked with guilt and hurt by what they had done every day, if their minds immediately jump to this conclusion. They have trouble with the overseer and the first thing they think is - this must be because of what we did to Joseph! Guilt is a destroyer of joy and it enslaves the life. If you are suffering from guilt, you have to make things right and come clean.

42:24 - Why do you think Joseph wept here? Maybe because he is remembering back to what his brothers did to him - remembering how he begged them to let him go and they sold him into slavery anyway? Maybe because he is watching with his own eyes as God works through his brothers' wickedness to bring about His will and bring honor to Joseph? Maybe he is weeping because he finally understands that at least one of his brothers tried to stand up for him? Maybe all of the above? What do you think?

42:35 - Joseph gives the the grain for free. After everything he has been through, he is showing love and forgiveness to his brothers. He sure has come a long way. The brothers are freaked out though, because they think it is a trick.

42:38 - Favoritism is still going strong in the life of Jacob! Favoritism was the catalyst for this whole twisted affair and he still treats his other children with contempt. Crazy!


Matt said...

would the baker still have been hanged if Joseph didn't interpret his dream?

41:40-44 I think it would have been more appropriate if pharaoh and the people had kept their attention on God rather than turn to Joseph and lift him up almost like an idol. Its kind of like when people start to worship the band or the speakers or even the Church itself rather than God.

Brand al Thor said...

I believe the baker still would have died, Joseph was just translating the dream about the future.

Nice thoughts on 41 Matt.