Friday, August 21, 2009

Exodus Chapters 10-12

10:2 - Early call to evangelism. God wants His name to be known and His power to be known so that all people will turn to Him for love and salvation.

10:3 - "How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me?" How many people has God asked this question since creation? How many times has He asked it of me?

10:7 - The people knew that their country had been utterly ruined through the pride of Pharaoh...they knew the power of the one and only God and they actually sided with the Hebrews (See: 11:2ff).

10:21 - Imagine how terrifying this would be...absolute fear. No light. Just utter, overwhelming, oppressive darkness. It's a brutally effective illustration of life without God.

12:13 - This is a prophetic picture of what the blood of Jesus Christ does for us. Judgement for our sin passes over us through the blood of Jesus Christ.

12:34 - Unleavened bread to this day is a reminder of the haste that was needed to leave Egypt. They waited expectantly for the Lord to move and immediately acted when He did...nothing held them back - they ate with belts on and staffs in their hand ready to move. When we take communion with our unleavened bread, we should remember to be ready at all times to act for God. He has already moved...already saved us through the blood of Jesus Christ - now it is time for us to act...time for us to move.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

"How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me?" ...again another powerful charge.

That reminds me of the statement that Brandon made about solitude, about why it can be scary... because who you are in front of God is really who I am. NO flattery, NO makeup, NO pearly whites, NO fake "memory verses" that we know but don't apply them to our lives. That's ALL CRAP to God! He sees; INSULTS, PIMPLES, ROTTING TEETH, and HYPOCRISY.

but what baffles me, is that He looks at all of that... with love in His heart. HOW? What an awesome God we serve. All forgiving, All powerful.