Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Psalms 29 - 35

29:1-2 - I love the attitude of this an alternate translation it says, "Ascribe to the Lord, you sons of might!" True power is found in serving the Lord. Those who understand what strength is seek to worship the by living holy lives. We use the will, mind, creativity, characteristics that God has given us to fight for holiness...that is how we bring Him honor.

30:5 - Passing through this life and all the problems that entails is like the blink of an eye in the scope of eternity. It may seems like pain and sorrow are everywhere, but one day we will awake with God and have a true understand of what living is really like - forever!

31:7-8 - No matter what you are going through...God sees it. God feels what we are going through...God understands suffering, and because He knows what we agree going through He is always there to offer us strength and hope.

32:1-4 - David speaks eloquently of the joys of forgiveness, yet as beautiful as his words are they do the reality no justice! We are blessed by the forgiveness of a perfect God who was willing to pay the price for our sins - MY SINS! Such undeserved grace! Yet, David follows up by explaining that people will also be cursed by guilt and separation from God if they refuse to turn to Him in repentance for forgiveness. Sometimes instead of turning to God instantly in our sinfulness, we run away from Him and wallow in our transgressions, living under a crushing weight of failure. Don't live like that when the joy of forgiveness is so close at hand!

33:13-16 - God knows everything that is going on in our lives. No matter how big or small, He is interested. Isn't that amazing? That is how much we are loved - He is intimately involved with every aspect of our lives.

34:5 - When we allow our worth to be determined fully by God - we will never be ashamed...we will never become obsessed with what other people think of us...we will have a confident radiance about us because we understand fully that we are the children of God - we understand who we are. Never forget who you are.

35:13-16 - David is dealing with some tough real-life experiences here. Just because we serve and love other people, does not mean that they will always return the favor. Just because you were there for someone when they were down does not mean that they will be there for you when you are down (Anybody in church leadership has run into that truth face first!). We have to remember that we do not serve...we do not care...we do not help others to receive the same in return. We serve because it brings honor to God. There are always going to be people who are so insecure with themselves that they will rejoice in the failure of others (Talk about an intense line - "like profane mockers at a feast.").

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