Monday, October 18, 2010

Psalms 36-41

36:1 - Sin twists the heart - it is like a cancer that spreads and we give in to sinfulness the corruption sets in and we convince ourselves not to fear God. Without the fear of God that leads to worship we separate ourselves from God and spiral deeper into the pit of self-worship fueled rebellion.

37:1-4 - We must not allow evil people to control our lives and consume our thoughts. There is evil in the world. There are people that give into evil desires and do terrible things, yet the God-fearers of the world cannot allow these things to paralyze them. In reality the evil strong are nothing more that specters that are passing away and will leave no significant legacy behind them. The only fulfilling life is found in trusting God...that is where true strength is found. We do not have to fear the evil int he world because we know the one and only God that is going to set everything right in the end.

37:30-31 - As Christians we have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. If we are the righteous, then this passage gives us an excellent picture of what out lives should look like. The mouth of the righteous utters only wisdom, not foolishness or filth. The tongue of the righteous seeks to bring justice to the world, not to bring honor to bring honor to self. The righteous has the law of God etched on his heart and he allows that to guide his path.

38:4-5 - The psalmist, David, is drowning in the consequences of his sin. He feels like he is being crushed under the weight of guilt over what he has done. The sin and guilt within him fester and rot his life...this is the price of sin...this sit he reward for those who choose to ignore God and go their own way.

39:11 - Sometimes God has to destroy or take away the things that we worship, so that we will once again be free to worship Him.

40:2-3 - This is powerful imagery: our of the pit...out of the bog...lifted out of death and destruction. There is utter hopelessness in a life lived in separation from God. Yet, God has come to the rescue of the psalmist..."He sets my feet on solid rock" - "He put a new song in my mouth." When salvation comes we no longer have to sing the funeral dirge of sin and death...God's forgiveness allows our lives to sing with joy and life!

41:1-2 - Those who are compassionate with regards to the poor and helpless will be blessed by God. What we have to understand is that this blessing does not necessarily mean that we will receive more material means that it is a blessing to be the hands and feet of God in this world. That is what we were made for...we were made to connect with worship find our fulfillment fully in God and this happens when our heart is beating in unison with God's. We will be truly blessed when he see as God sees and feel as God feels...that is what we should strive for.

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