Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Proverbs Chapters 10-12

Wow! There are a lot of proverbs in those three chapters and every one of those little bits of wisdom is gold...this blog post could be huge! So instead, read through the chapters and comment on a couple of the proverbs that really jumped out at you.

10:8 - This is a theme that runs all through the book of Proverbs. If you are someone who seeks to be wise (Which I hope we all are!), you will listen to what the Words of God and the words of godly people. You will find the path to righteousness through these words. But for those of us who are too busy spouting off our own opinions and meaningless blather to listen - we will only find ruin (And probably not have many friends).

10:11 - The words of God-fearing men and women bring life...they bring hope, fulfillment, guidance, truth and they quench thirst. But the words of the wicked only bring destruction to the lives they touch? We all need to ask ourselves - what are my words bringing? Life or death? Creation or destruction?

10:25 - When hard/tragic times come, the lives of the people who have no faith are absolutely shattered (You can see this first hand at the funeral of a non-believer). Yet, those who stand firm in their faith can find hope even in the worst of times.

11:1 and 20 - Wow - abomination...that is a strong word! I think it is really important for us to focus in on the things that God absolutely abhors, so that we can understand more deeply the character of God. What does He consider an abomination in these passages? People who try to take advantage of other. God cares about His children and He cares when the weak are wronged...He cares when evil people seek gain at the expense of others. Don't let yourself fall into this category.

11:14 - I think this proverb makes a strong case for making sure that you have mentors in your life. We need people who we respect that we allow to speak into our lives. Without guidance and accountability, we will be lost...we will fall. But we will find safety and integrity when we surround ourselves with trusted God-loving advisers.

11:21 - We must never forget that God's justice will be met out in the end. There are some things that are so sick and wrong in this world, that it just makes you want to take vengeance into your own hands...we scream out to God wondering where He is when evil runs rampant in the world. We always have to remember that God is just and He will make things right in the end...and it is actually His patience with us that allowed us to find the redemption He offers to all.

11:22 - This is a great verse for young ladies of the world to remember (I am going to be bringing this up with my baby girls when the teenage years come around) would never take a precious gold ring and put it in the nose of a pig, so don't take the precious beauty of your youth and wallow in the depths of impurity and indiscretion. Don't let your purity wallow in the mud with the are the daughters of the most high God!

12:1 - If you can't take a are an idiot. Never forget that Brandon!

12:4 - What does a crown do for a man? It turns a normal man into a king among men. A godly wife will make her husband a better man...that is what my wife has done for me and that is one of the many reasons I love her.

12:11 - I think this proverb applies to all facets of life - especially spiritual disciplines. If we take the time and effort to till the land of our own make it fertile, then we will reap great rewards...we will get closer to God, grow in faith, grow in wisdom, etc. If we choose to spend all our time pursuing meaningless things...we will gain nothing.

12:22 - Here we go again with that "abomination" word...this time we find that God totally despises lying. I am starting to get the clear picture that God does not appreciate it when people deceive one another and tear one another down. He created us for community with Him and with each other and ever act of our lives that brings destruction to those relationships is an utter attack on the fabric of creation.

12:26 - We must remember that our lives are always preaching to somebody...somebody is always watching. Are you leading people towards God through your life or away from God?


Matt said...

I love how clear and blunt Solomon is.

12:25- I love thinking about "the grand scheme of things" whenever I become stressed out about nonsense like tests or papers.

Adrienne said...

I like 12:4 also-- what a powerful reminder that a wife can either be her husband's greatest joy OR the [at least figurative] death of him. "Like decay in his bones" is something I never want to be to my husband!

12:18, similarly to 10:11, reminds us that our words can either bring hurt or healing. We can either build up or tear down; bless or curse.

I'm looking forward to continuing through Proverbs with you, brotha!

Brand al Thor said...

ADE! Welcome aboard!