Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Proverbs Chapters 7-9

7:22-23 - Solomon continues on with his warning about adultery. In my experience, it seems that people often rail against the things that were a plague on their own lives. And all you have to do is take a look at the wives and the harem of Solomon and you know he had some issues with sexual overindulgence. By the end of his reign, he was following his pagan wives into their idol worship...he was giving in to the call of the adulteress. Solomon is speaking from experience when he says that the man who follows the adulterous woman is like an ox being led to slaughter. We should all listen closely to Solomon, because he had everything any man could ever want and in vast quantities...and it never brought him satisfaction.

8:11 - I look at this and I feel guilty. There are so many things that I desire more than wisdom...if fact, it is a very rare occasion when I even give the thought of acquiring wisdom a moment of my mind's time. The reality of the situation is that wisdom is more valuable than any of the things I seek in this world and through the acquisition of wisdom all the areas of our life become better.

8:13 - I appreciate the literary skill in which Solomon contrasts the cries of the world to prostitute ourselves to her evil ways and the righteous call of wisdom to follow her towards fulfillment. Wisdom is absolutely opposite to the temptations of the world. The world tempts with arrogance, deception, perversion, self-worship and wisdom hates all of those things...wisdom knows that all of those things lead to death.

8:22ff - Solomon changes tracks here, but still gives wisdom a persona. It is nice that he rewards the audience with creative ways of describing wisdom. In this instance, wisdom speaks as if it were a living being that assisted God int he creation of the universe. The point this drives home for me is that wisdom, like love, emanates from God...it is a staple of His character. If we desire to live in this world as the people of God, then we need to seek wisdom with everything we have because...read verse 35.

9:8 - There it is...I have seen it played out in youth ministry countless times. If anyone tries to instruct or hold accountable the arrogant/self-server, their words will always fall on deaf ears and the only response thy will receive is one of hatred. There is nothing that rebellious believers despise more than being called out on their rebellion. (F.Y.I. - Christians must always be weary about becoming "righteous" judgmental jerks, but there is a place for accountability in the midst of loving Christian community) When a person who seeks wisdom is called on the carpet, they respond with humility and life change. You can learn a lot about a person by speaking tough truths to them out of love.

9:17-18 - The way of folly constantly tries to convince us that rebellion and selfishness is better..."No seriously, the woman you don't have is far more desireable." "The car you don't drive is better." "If it is done in secret and nobody knows about it...who is it going to hurt?" Folly calls to us...call us to turn from God and live the "better" life...the only thing is, that the way of folly is not better - it is bitter.


Matt said...

8:33- I like this verse. Sometimes being wise simply means blindly following the wise people in your life. Sometimes, reasons can only be seen in hindsight.

Brand al Thor said...

Cakes - What is up? Nice comment - hope life is treating you well.