Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Proverbs Chapters 16-18

16:2 - Every person can justify everything they do. We can all make excuses for why we had to do something...or how it was really somebody else fault that we messed up, but there are absolutes in the world. Right and wrong exist, and God knows the motivations of our heart. Stop making excuses and live to bring honor to God.

16:8 - It is always better to have nothing and be focused on godliness than it is to have riches because of selfishness. Being content in the midst of a lack of material possessions is a beautiful picture of faithfully following God. Doing everything you can to hoard as much wealth as possible in your life, is a sign an extreme lack of faith.

16:17 - I live in the Houston area and my mind instantly connected with the highway imagery the writer uses here (We have a lot of highways). Make sure in your life that you take the loop that goes around Evil Town, because that is not where you need to be! If we all pay attention to what is going on around us and keep our eyes open for the things that could cause us to crash into sin, we will be able to avoid trouble.

16:18 - How many times have you heard, "Pride comes before the fall."? I would guess, alot. I really like the ESV's version of this famous text. It says - pride comes before destruction. This conveys a much more serious message to me and that is important. Pride is the root of every human sin...we believe that we can reject God and make our own way...and the arrogance of that prideful sin will lead us to destruction. Never forget that.

16:20 - The ESV says, "Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good." I like that translation, because if you take the time to study God's scripture and to write it on your heart...you will find true wisdom. Trusting that God's way is better is a huge step in faith and the beginning of the road to a better more fulfilling life.

16:27 - People who sit around and try to figure out how to make other peoples' lives miserable and drag other people into sin with them are evil. Their thoughts are twisted and their words are destructive...don't allow people like this to influence you.

16:31 - A little shout out for all the old people of the world...Wes Vance this verse is for you my friend (He has had silver hair since his 20's). If you live long enough to get gray hair...then you probably learned something in the process.

17:5 - When you discount and mistreat the poor you are actually disrespecting God. Those are His children just like you are. A proliferation of material wealth does not make a human being more valuable. Remember that you are a part of the brotherhood of man and honor God by respecting ALL His children.

17:10 - Even when an idiot is being repeatedly shown the truth...being hit over the head with the 4x4 of reality over and over, he does not see it! The moral of this proverb...don't be an idiot! Listen to the words of trusted friends, even if they are hard for you to hear...because loving rebukes put us on the path to understanding.

17:17 - Get in the trenches with your brothers and sisters in Christ. It is in the midst of hard times that we truly become family. Friends love all the time, but the person who becomes like a brother is the one who is there for you in the darkest hour...the one who's got your back. Do you have brothers/sisters like that?

18:1 - I don't ever want to hear "Christians" spouting off again about how they have a personal relationship with God and they don't need church to be saved. Of course you don't need church to be saved...only Jesus saves...but after that you need to be plugged into a community of people that are gonna hold you accountable and challenge you to grow! We are made for community not solitude.

18:2 - All an idiot cares about is that his opinion gets heard...a fool always wants the last word. They don't care that what they have to say makes no sense - they just want to be heard. It is the epitome of arrogance and the opposite of wisdom.

18:10 - What is the name of the Lord? It denotes His character...His strength...His personality...the name of the Lord is to be praised. We must connect ourselves to the person and character of God. In Him is the only place we will find peace and shelter.

18:24 - It is far better to have just one true friend, then it is to have tons of friends who you cannot trust...who don't know the real you...who don't have your back.

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