Monday, December 6, 2010

Proverbs Chapters 4-6

4:18 - The path towards righteousness is like a sun rise...the longer you walk the path, the brighter and brighter it gets. This is a beautiful picture of the main point that Solomon is trying to get across throughout the Book of Proverbs...when you seek out a righteous life, you will be blessed with wisdom and understanding. For the Christian...we understand that righteousness comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - but we honor that sacrifice and live out our faith by walking the path of righteousness.

4:23 - This was a verse that we used as a covenant on on mission trip to Thailand. We knew the trip was going to be hard and that dark forces were at work in the country which is crippled by polytheism, idolatry and demonic we covenanted together to keep vigilant watch over our hearts. At our times in our lives it is essential to watch the state of our hearts, because it is from the heart that who we are flows.

4:26 - Think thoroughly about where you go, what you are doing and why you are doing it, so that you will make the right choices. This seems like common sense, but I really don't think we take the time to actually contemplate the things we do.

5:3-4 - The temptations of the flesh bring bold promises of pleasure and fulfillment and only bring guilt and bitterness. In Solomon's time the common arenas for adultery would come through prostitution and illicit affairs, but today, adultery can is always waiting on a computer screen...a movie channel...a chat room...a phone call. We must be wary of the lies that these temptations spew.

5:15-20 - (verse 20) Why...why do so many people become intoxicated with what they do not have - why do we chase after the forbidden? The grass is not greener on the other side! True value lies in the commitment of the godly wife...the God sanctioned woman that brings guiltless joy and pleasure...don't let yourself be led astray from the reality of things.

6:1-2, 5 - Do not let yourself get into debt...that is Solomon's advice. He says, "Do everything within your power do get out from under the thumb of debt." If you can, it is like the prey escaping the is an experience of freedom. One of the easiest ways to avoid debt is to live within your means.

6:17-19 - In all the lists of things that God abhors and hates throughout the bible, it is always shocking (and sobering) to come across things that are fairly common in the midst of Christian communities. God absolutely abhors lying, yet it is something that happens frequently int he lives of Christians...we have all the excuses down for why we justify our lies but that changes nothing about the fact that God hates it (And usually you don't want to spend time doing stuff that God hates - not good for your life or the future). I work at a church and we frequently see people within our church body that actually sow the seeds of discord among brothers and sisters of we all understand that God finds that absolutely detestable? God's people being so self-centered and self-absorbed that they are willing to cause rifts in the community of God's people - that is sick!

6:32 - Another very clear point here from the are an idiot if you choose to live an adulterous lifestyle! Whether you are a physical or mental adulterer the end is the same...adultery brings destruction on your life - stay away from it...guard yourself.

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