Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mark Chapter 1 - February 21, 2008

1:8 - A baptism of water only cleans just the outside - the baptism of the Holy Spirit scours the inside too. Jesus offers his followers not just a path to walk, but he offers to dwell inside us...he offers us access to a power that is far beyond ourselves. Thanks Jesus.

1:17-20 - I have always loved the disciples' response here - "immediately they left their nets." Jesus invited them to follow him and change lives and their reaction was instant - they went. I want to be a man that is so tuned in to the goodness of Christ and his message that I am ready to go at an instant when he calls me to act. I think sometimes as Christians we get so distracted with the "stuff" all around us that we forget how incredible it is that we are invited to join in with Jesus and his work on this earth. The disciples knew how privileged they were and I hope I can fully appreciate that too.

1:22 - The power and authority that Jesus spoke with was shocking to his audiences. The scribes and teachers of the law did not teach with authority - they gave their opinions on what God's law could mean. Jesus said, "This is what it means." That was it - no one had ever heard anyone so brash and confident before, but then again, no one had ever heard the God/Man speak before this. The message of Jesus is still shocking to people who don't want to believe in truth...Jesus offers no alternatives, no options, no way around things...he offers himself as the way, the truth and the life.

1:24 - I have always found it shocking that the demons instantly recognize Jesus for who he is, and the religious leaders of the day completely missed him. That is scary. We should pray that we don't get so caught up in denominational dogma and saving ourselves through "perfect living" that we miss seeing Christ at work around us in this world. God please open my eyes and let me see you at work...God open my heart and use me to further your kingdom.

1:35 - Okay, Jesus Christ the son of the living God needs to get away to a place of quiet and spend time spiritually recharging alone with could I ever have been arrogant enough to assume that I don't need this kind of desolation and God-focus in my own life? Am I purposefully setting aside time to get away from all the noise and listen to my creator? It is spiritual suicide if I am not.


James said...

Noticed this – Jesus knows all things – right? Yep. So down in verse 40, why would Jesus heal a man and give a stern warning to this man to not say a word about Jesus if he (Jesus) knew that the man was going to go around blabbing about the healing anyway?

Guess that goes for us as well. God gives us things or money and tells us what to do with them knowing all the while that we will not quite do what He asked. After that, if you don’t think God loves you, then here’s your sign…

You don’t have to understand why He love you – just that He does.

Ish said...

That is a big point Brandon, that Jesus himself had to step away to hear from God. I want to be like that. I have a daily time of prayer and meditation, but maybe i haven't done it long enough. Jesus had to do it, and I'm sure it looked a lot more detailed than what I do.