Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mark Chapter 5 - February 27, 2008

5:4-7 - There was no one in the area who had the strength to subdue the demon possessed man. They had tied him up with ropes and chains and nothing could hold him. Then Jesus walks up and immediately the man falls face down before him, begging him for mercy. Do you see the power of Christ? His mere presence can bring a wild man under control that no human being could stop. That is power...that is a king I want to follow. The only chance I ever have of overcoming the demons of sinfulness that plague my life, is to bring them to the foot of Jesus...and allow his power to scour my life clean.

5:28-34 - I love this story...the crowd is crushing in around Jesus...many people are touching him, begging him for help and healing...all of these people have problems and pain in their lives, but only one hand draws power from Jesus. Why? Because she truly had faith. Her faith is what connected her to the power of Jesus...our faith will do the same for us. When you need help and strength and healing - do you truly believe you are going to get it? This woman did.

5:38-40 - It is interesting to see the reaction of the crowd here...they are weeping as they mourn for the little girl, but immediately begin to laugh and mock Jesus when he tells them that the girl is not dead. Their lives have been taken captive by the power of death - anyone that would have the audacity to suggest that there may be miraculous life-bringing change is a fool to these people. Have you ever been a member of that crowd? Have I? Doubting the power of Christ to bring life to a dead existence? When the little girl walks out of the house a few minutes later, who do you think is laughing then?


Anonymous said...

Hey Brando. Love the new pic. I like when you asked if we believed we would get healing like the woman. it really made me think. and the truth is i don't really know if i would or not. i guess i really need to take a moment and evaluate my true self. See ya tonight at D-groups. =)


James said...

“When you need help and strength and healing - do you truly believe you are going to get it?”

I believe that God can give me strength & healing – sometimes I am all out begging Him to do so – sometimes the strength and healing never come. It doesn’t mean that I have any less faith. God has His own reasons and timing for everything. He can do anything, but is not always willing (like in Mark 1:40-41).

Christians get hurt and die – many times at what seems like all the wrong time. Faith is where we still know that God is on the throne and in charge no matter what.

Brand al Thor said...

I understand what you are saying (I know you didn't get to hear it, but I talked on Sunday about praying desperately for something - begging God and not getting the answer I wanted), but I still believe that one of the things that is truly hamstringing many modern Christians is a lack of faith. Beyond just physical healing, how many of us try to solve all personal problems ourselves and rely on our power and do not turn in brokenness and desperation to God with faith for his healing and life-change. And I think that often we are in such a modern "there has to be an explanation" mode in this day and age that we subconsciously don't expect God to move (Not saying that applies to you). That is more what I was looking at...maybe I didn't express that well enough.

Ish said...

The faith of the woman always shocks me. To shock Jesus and show him that your faith is real strong also causes me to say "WOW!" Father, continue to mold me, that I may have the unwavering faith of this woman. Thank you for what you've done with me thus far, but I don't want to settle. I am yours."