Thursday, February 7, 2008

Matthew Chapter 19 - February 7, 2008

19:5ff - God's plan is that one man and one woman should become one flesh in marriage. Jesus says that they are no longer two, but they have become one completely. They are one entity that cannot (Or should not) be torn apart. I think that maybe instead of trying to broaden the rules of marriage and divorce to make splitting up more socially acceptable and reasonable...Christians should take the spiritual act of marriage more seriously and understand how meaningful it is to make a vow of unity before God. Instead of always thinking in the back of our minds that we can get out of a marriage if we need to...we should be thinking, can I commit myself to this person before God forever? If more people truly asked this question and understood fully the seriousness of the vows they were making, maybe there would be less people marrying into toxic/destructive relationships. When Jesus talks of how important the marriage vow is, his disciples say, "If God is so serious about this, isn't it better just to not get married?" I think it would be better for people to not marry and focus in on God as apposed to getting into doomed relationships because that is "what you do." I'm am definitely NOT advocating living together instead of getting married...I'm saying, maybe more people should not get married and not get into serious relationships if they can't stay true to what they are going to vow before God. Maybe we should have more spiritual eunuchs in this world (Spoken boldly from the man who is happily married...uh yeah...that's awkward).

19:16ff ("ff" by the way, means and following, referring to the verses that come after...I know you probably already know that, but I'm just throwing it out there because I use that a lot) The thing that we have to see here is what the rich young man wants. He wants to work his way into heaven. He comes to Jesus feeling confident, because he is really good at following the OT law and he tells Jesus that. He has probably come up to get a pat on the back with Jesus saying, "You have done a great job, you are going to get into heaven because you have followed all these rules." But that isn't what he gets is it? No, Jesus knows exactly what this guy struggles with and hits him in the face with it, "Yeah, go sell all your stuff, give it away and come follow me." The man is heartbroken because he loves his stuff...he is greedy. Jesus proves to us again that no one is good. And that is the point. No one is good. No one can save themselves. Can a camel go through the eye of a sewing needle - HECK NO! Can a man because he is rich get in heaven - NO! The disciples cry out, "WHO CAN BE SAVED?" No one by their own power...only through the power of God and the sacrifice of Jesus can we be saved. Rich/poor, good/bad, young/old, ugly/pretty - salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. We have to remember to humble ourselves daily and understand that we are the recipients of a love offering that can never be repaid in full...let those truths define the way that you live your life. Oh yeah...and it would probably be a good idea not to worship stuff either.


James said...

Love what The Message calls marriage – An organic union created by God - His art. Very cool thinking of a relationship as art – something that takes time and must be crafted with care to reach its full potential.

Reading the story of the rich man again reminds me to try and live within the means that God provides. There will always be someone who has more – be happy for them. There will always be those with less – help them out. Don’t be stingy with your stuff – God likes it when we share what He gave us in the first place.

ps - cool side note - the word verification for me was WWJD

Ish said...

I really wish we were able to get over our pride a lot easier. The story of the rich young ruler has pride written all over it. Trying to show off, and when it doesn't work, he's to prideful to correct it. I'm not dogging on the guy since I know that I myself deal with pride issues, but man that is tough work. I just wish that we didn't find so much value on our own and we could understand the value we have in Him!