Thursday, February 14, 2008

Matthew Chapter 24 - February 14, 2008

This is an incredible chapter because we see Jesus step into the role of the prophet. Prophecying that the temple is going to be destroyed and teaching about the tough times that are ahead for human beings.

24:9-14 - This is a pretty important passage for us to understand, because Jesus gives it to us straight. As believers we are going to go through hard times. We are going to be persecuted. We are going to be hated. We are going to live in a world that gets more and more lawless, and a world where we see false teachers springing up everywhere. But, if we endure these hard times and hold true to our faith (Faith is really the only path to sanity in a world like this anyway!), our lives will be a testimony to all nations! It is good for us to go through rough stuff, because when we do, and when we stay true to our faith...other people will know that our faith is different. Other people will be led to know God by our perseverance.

24:27 - Jesus says that false teachers and fake messiahs will rise up in our world, and some people will buy into their garbage...they will say look over at this little corner of the world - that's the savior...look over here, I know it's hard to tell, but he's the messiah. Don't buy into the lies...when Jesus returns it will be as plain as lightning striking across a pitch black will know. You will know.

24:30 - It seems strange that the tribes of earth would mourn when they see Jesus return. Why are they mourning? Shouldn't they be shouting with joy and praising him. I believe this is referring very specifically to the "tribes of earth"...the people who have made the earth truly their home...the people who have totally bought in to the lies of the world. They will mourn because they will no that they were wrong - they will fear Jesus because he is not what they chose...the dark cannot stand the light. The members of the kingdom of heaven (Believers) will rejoice and will taken into the arms of their savior, but it doesn't bode well for the tribes of earth.

24:42-51 - Do you want to know how serious Jesus is about us spreading the gospel? Read through this passage a couple times! Check out verse s 50 and 51! WOW - it's time to start living like we don't have much time. Every day should be lived as if it is our last, because we don't know. I know it is cliche, but seriously, if Jesus came back tomorrow would you have given his message to all the people you wanted to? It begs the question - if we don't live like he's coming back, do we really believe it? Harsh...but something to think about.

*There is some really intense stuff in this chapter - if you have any questions, leave them in a comment (Not that I am the authority on understanding every aspect of the bible, but I give it a shot).

1 comment:

Ish said...

pretty much speechless. anytime ive ever been a part of a study on end times, the main lesson i get is to always live for jesus... now.